What a weird episode. So the girl Wolf has

Pissed off he lost, and with the moon in the sky being full, Wolf wave changes in Wolf Woods and starts wrecking the arena. Geo pulses in with Omega-Xis and begins battle right away. Mayu looks in horror as MegaMan and Wolf Woods fight. She runs up to Wolf (who she named Ricky) and begs him to turn back to normal. This screws with Wolf's mind as he struggles not to hurt Mayu. Stunned, MegaMan blasts the fuck out of him with a Leo Kingdom star break, (which would do double damage to Wolf Woods, FYI). Mayu screams in horror as she see's "Ricky" explode before her eyes.
Well, actually Wolf is alright, and he heads to the wave roads above Mayu's house. He sees her crying, and feels bad he can't be with her, so he creates (I have no idea how) a real EM-Puppy for her in her transer, which seems to cheer her up some. We also find out who the "Frankie" was that was tormenting Wolf... it's a hamster.
Plot Synopsis
Notice any glaring plot holes with this whole setup? FMians are supposed to be invisible to humans until they materialize. If you recall, Geo could only see Omega-Xis with his dad's visualizer. Ignoring this small inconsistency though, we have a pretty decent episode.
The first thing I notice right away from watching this show and NT Warrior back to back, is that this show is so much better animated. The fight scenes are quicker and more intense by such a large margin. It's a lot smoother as well.
For the rest of this episode, this is the first, if only, time that any of the villain FMians show any real sympathy towards a human character. Libra did help save a town, but that was probably in his own self interest. Wolf on the other hand, develops a bond and friendship with this girl, and is genuinely sad that he can't be with her at the end. For once, the character might actually experience some sort of conflict with wanting to destroy the Earth, well, until next week when the status quo is returned.
The setup is pretty ridiculous, but it has humor to it seeing Omega-Xis with a bow in his... um... mane thing? It is the strong characters in this episode that really drive it though, making it a much better episode than the Libra storyline by comparison.
Rating: Thumbs up!
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