World NetChessBattle champion Tora Aragoma is

The match begins and at first, Lan doesn't know what the hell he is doing, but somehow picks up the rules that don't make any sense at all. See, apparently it's like a regular NetBattle, but it has chess pieces, and the pieces move, and the Navi's shoot each other, or some shit, I don't fucking know. Lan pulls out a surprising move, and is about to win the match, when he stops MegaMan from firing because Roll is in the way. Tora uses the opportunity to get a strike in to win the match, but he has a change of heart, respecting Lan and MegaMan for protecting a friend over winning. KingMan and MegaMan exchange a sportsman hand shake when suddenly ShadowMan appears and attacks. Well despite MegaMan being weakened from a NetBattle, Lan activates Instant Win, and Elec Team style takes out ShadowMan in one shot.
After the match, everyone gets to keep their navis, and Lan and Tora exchange some pleasant words before breaking out into an argument about who actually won the match.
This episode is so lame. Let me talk about Battle Network in comparison to NT Warrior for a second here. Battle Network has a lot of different villains/rival characters, but they generally have enough time to build them up within the games relatively 10 hour time frame. In NT Warrior, they crunch that down into 20 minutes, and a lot of the time, we never see that character again. Whoopdie fucking do!
This is an episode that does nothing but try and build Tora up as a legitimate challenge to Lan, and the writing is so over the top blatant about it, it just comes across stupid. This is the gist of the script.
Tora: I'm Tora! World Famous NetBattler!
Lan: I'll take you on!
Lan's Friends: Don't do it Lan! He's too tough!
Tora: This will be easy, I'll fight ten of you at a time!
Lan: (Thinking) Man, this guy is tough!
Other People: Tora is a super world famous all powerful NetBattler! Oh my god, he's using the super secret double ninja flaming swan spin light meteor attack!
Someone Else: That attack has only rumored to exist!
Another Person: It's an ancient technique handed down by a samurai dragon farmer that only legends know about!
Lan: MiniBoomer chip in!
Lan: That sure was a good fight!
Tora: Yes it was! Boy, I sure feel all weak from NetBattling now.
KingMan: As am I.
Lan: Indeed.
MegaMan: I agree as well, I am also weak from NetBattling.
ShadowMan: And now I will use this opportunity of which I had setup upon the two of you to get you weak from NetBattling each other to take advantage of you to attack the both of you now that you are weakened from NetBattling each other from this ever so brilliant plan of mine. Prepare to be deleted from whence I shall be dispensing the deletion upon your weakened state!
Lan: Style Change!
MegaMan: Mega Buster!
ShadowMan: Hark, I am defeated!
Narrator: ShadowMan logging out!
Ok, so this isn't an exact transcript, but I swear to god the writing is just as retarded as this. I did like the small nod to the Deep Blue vs Garry Kasparov chess match though.
Rating: Thumbs down.
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