Plot Synopsis
Yeah, there's a pleasant image for you.

The episode starts off with Dr. Wily's bots stealing some mechanical parts out of a lab. Mega Man goes after them but gets shot down. Dr. Wily takes the parts and puts them into his new machine the gravitron. His plan this time? To leave the planet in ruins by shifting the moon out of orbit, causing storms, earthquakes and tidal waves. Then when he puts the moon back in the right spot, he'll be the only one left that can rebuild the Earth.
Mega Man heads to skull fortress to stop him, but can't get past his bots, but by now he figures out Wily's plan. Dr. Light builds his own gravitron device to counter Wily's but unfortunately it won't work without a special part called a Tachyon Capacitor. Unfortunately, Wily has the only one in existence, and Dr. Light doesn't know how to build one. He did however come up with some schematics in college while working with Dr. Wily, but his archival footage reveals Wily stealing the plans. Now Mega Man has to get the Tachyon Capacitor back.
He heads to Wily's fortress again in his super stealth hang glider product placement toy, but it short circuits as he grabs the capacitor, dropping his stealth field. He grabs a hold of it, and Proto Man accidentally blasts Wily's gravitron while aiming at Mega Man. Mega Man takes off and Wily's bots follow to Dr. Light's lab. Using a holographic projector Dr. Light created, Mega Man screws with Wily's bots before dropping the holographic projector to the ground (purposely for some reason) and taking them out. He grabs Dark Man's weapon and fires at them, and they escape in Wily's ship. Dr. Light then uses the Tachyon Capacitor to put the moon back.
An episode that actually seems to have some science behind, although admittedly only enough for suspension of disbelief, and the plan seems plausible enough for the show. I'm sure the actual science behind a gravitron, the moon and tachyons is complicated enough that there are problems all over the show, but I doubt the average adult, let alone child, could understand it well enough to point out. On top of that, the episode flows well enough to be entertaining. It's not amazing in anyway, but it's about the quality level an average Mega Man show should have. Unfortunately the average Mega Man episode is usually way below this mark. This one is enjoyable enough though.
Rating: Thumbs Up!
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