Plot Synopsis

Here's an episode that really suffers from the conjoining of two episodes, as the two episodes are not only unrelated on the story's arc, but also complete polar opposites in tone. The first half is serious and action packed, while the second half is purely comedic. I suppose it's a concession worth making if the show had ever gotten a normal time slot, and at least the episode are in chronological order, something Kids WB didn't even get this far into the series before screwing it up.
MegaMan is still fighting Gemini Spark, but it's not going well. Omega-Xis tells Geo to separate Gemini's two personae and unfortunately the only way to do this is to release a bunch of viruses in the Satella Police's possession, which, unfortunately for Geo, solidifies Copper's stance that MegaMan is a dangerous criminal. Too bad, because Copper was actually starting to waiver for just a split second.
Well unfortunately this plan doesn't work out all that well as Gemini eventually regroups and man handle MegaMan across the city. Just before they are about to destroy him, Lyra Note shows up, back from where ever the hell, and distracts Gemini long enough for MegaMan to jump up like a bat out of hell and strike. Gemini is injured and escapes, but he seems more amused than beaten, and Omega-Xis and Geo face the fact that they lost utterly. The next day at school, Pat meets up with Geo and offers to walk home with him, but Geo declines saying he has stuff to take care of. Pat smiles and walks away, laughing an evil laugh to himself.
Now for part two, we're treated to another FMian, Cancer, surveying the Earth for a human who matches his EM frequency. He spots a body guard throwing an unnamed child out of a Sonia Sky concert, and it's a perfect match! Cancer swoops down... but accidentally wave changes with the 3rd grader getting thrown out of the concert. Whoops! Cancer is upset that he screwed up and is mulling over what to do when he spots a Sonia Sky billboard. Suddenly, the child's identity starts to reassert itself enough to send Cancer flying towards the concert doors to see his beloved Sonia Sky. The security guard, not impressed, hurls Cancer the hell out of there.
Meanwhile, Geo is giving his "friends" tickets to a Sonia Sky concert because he "accidentally" ordered four tickets instead of one. Sounds like Geo just doesn't want to admit that he's starting to take a shine to the Prez and her goons. Anyway, they're interrupted when Cancer Bubble starts rampaging on the town by trapping people in bubbles. Geo pulses in and tells Cancer to leave people alone, so Cancer attacks him. He's pretty ineffective, in a comedic way, and all he manages to do is get Geo to accidentally drop his Sonia Sky ticket. Absolutely enamored that he now has a ticket, Cancer Bubble runs off to get in to the concert.
The security guard still stops him though, wanting him to take off "that ridiculous mask." Well since it's Cancer's face, this causes some problems and Cancer Bubble starts rampaging at the concert. Sonia Wave Changes into Lyra Note and distracts Cancer with one of her songs (if Sonia's singing really bothers you, you will hate this episode). While Cancer is distracted, she strikes, breaking his Wave Change and he retreats. Sonia decides to hold the concert outside since the set is destroyed and invites the child to a front row seat. Cancer meanwhile watches from a distance stating that "Sonia really is the best!"
I said this episode is hurt by the abrupt switch in tone in it, but not enough to ruin the show by any means. In fact, either of these episodes on their own would earn a thumbs up on their own, and a high enough one to make up for the tonal shift. It's a good episode even if it's disjointed. I do think Sonia's singing is good enough to not detract from the show as well, in fact, I'd go as far to say it adds to the show, but if this music isn't your cup of tea, be prepared to hear a lot of it.
Rating: Thumbs Up!
There are a couple of interesting translation/localization errors this episode. The first one is a billboard left up advertising Hibiki Misora, Sonia's Japanese name. It's in English in the Japanese episode as well, so Viz simply didn't edit the billboard. It's hard to see in the picture, but it's there.

Also, later on when Geo is out fighting Gemini Spark, he yells out "Rock Buster!" for his attack. Of course we all know the localized name is the Mega Buster so it appears the really missed this one. I'd like to point out that I am well aware no sane person would care about this, but what sane person would review this much Mega Man shit anyway?
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