Mayl and Yai are shopping at the N1 gift shop when they run into Maddy, Mayl's opponent for her match. They exchange some trash talking that might offend kindergartners and then get really pissed at each other for the next match. Meanwhile, Lan has his own problems as he has to face Mr. Match in his next match.
The two matches go side by side, and neither WWW member has any intention of playing fair. The majority of the episode focuses on the Mayl vs. Maddy match up however, and Roll has quite a time handling WackoMan. The match goes back and forth quite a few times until finally Maddy cheats by shinning a mirror in Mayl's eyes. Seeing her friend in trouble, Yai runs down and tricks Maddy into shinning the mirror in her eyes, but the shine of Yai's head (I'm not kidding here) reflects the mirror back at her and practically blinds Maddy. This gives Mayl plenty of time to finish of WackoMan with a rare chip she got from Yai.
The episode ends with Mr. Match and Lan in the middle of a battle, with Mr. Match promising to finish off MegaMan once and for all. To be continued flashes across the screen.
This episode feels a little padded by trying to have the two matches going on at the same time, as if they didn't have enough to work with for the Mayl/Maddy match, but it's still a decent episode. The battle goes back and forth a bit, and I think most of us assume that Mayl is going to lose at some point because we expect the final match to be between Lan and Chaud, so there is some real suspense that she could lose here. It's a pretty fun episode to watch.
It is kind of interesting to see some of Roll's powers that were later showed again in Battle Network 4 which came out some time later. Roll has the ability to charm viruses to her side in battle, and it looks like this episode came up with that ability first. I just thought that was an interesting aside.
Rating: Thumbs Up!
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