Fuck these episodes are too damn short. Aaron

Meanwhile, the FMians are having trouble finding different humans to Wave-Change with. Why they can find them within seconds upon arriving to Earth and not afterwards? You got me! Anyway, Cygnus summons all of them except Lyra and Gemini, who none of them trust. He's built a machine that allows the FMians to materialize using the residue of the humans wave forms they had EM-Wave Changed with that is left over in their bodies. This allows them to assume the Wave-Change form, and as we'll see later, the Human Form as well. The FMians swear allegiance to Cygnus to use the machine.
Meanwhile Geo wakes up in the hospital with his mother, who seems relatively calm, but they show a shot of a tear soaked handkerchief she's wringing with her trembling hands. Compare this to Lan's mother later in Axess after he first Cross Fuses and you can see one of the reason I like Geo's parents a lot better. But this review isn't about how someone should call CPS on Lan's parents.
She leaves the room and Aaron tells Geo that Omega-Xis contacted him and told him about MegaMan. Omega-Xis isn't in the room with Geo since the medical devices affect him, so Geo runs to the roof where Omega-Xis is, needing to find out if Omega-Xis killed his father. Geo with tears in his eyes questions Omega-Xis about what Cygnus said. Omega-Xis admits to leading the attack raid on the space station, but doesn't want to talk about anything else. Geo thinks it's because Omega-Xis killed his father, and tells him that he never wants to see Omega-Xis again. Omega-Xis sighs and tells Geo that he thinks Geo has taught him the importance of friendship... but that maybe he was wrong. He says goodbye and takes off. Geo screams as the episode ends.
For ten minutes, a hell of a lot happened. Geo's been betrayed by the only person he's really trusted and is emotionally fucked up right now. The threat of the FMians has significantly increased with Cygnus' new machine and without MegaMan, the Earth is doomed! I said in the beginning this series is much more serialized than NT Warrior, and for the most part that is true. NT Warrior right now is in the midst of a serial story arc, and the last few episodes of Star Force were very episodic, but here is where Star Force really starts to pick up.
I have to say, Geo's voice acting is showing a good amount of range in these few scenes. You can feel his rage and sorrow quite well, and his mother does a decent job as well, as she sounds like she's trying to repress her fear. In the very last game, her fear does hit a breaking point, and I think it was a great moment for the series and I really wondered how the show would have handled it. This is a fantastic episode and a really big highlight for the cartoon as a whole.
Rating: Thumbs Up!
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