PharaohMan is pissed and wipes out all of

I wonder what would have happened if he turned StoneMan into stone?
With all the Net Navi's effectively dead, and MegaMan defragging at the bottom of a cliff filling up with lava... um... internet lava, things don't look good. Chaud then jacks in ProtoMan. They need to save MegaMan because they owe him one. Then ProtoMan spins around really fasts and drills through the ground with his feet... uh... when the hell did he learn to do that? He swoops down and rescues MegaMan's limp body at the very last second, and then PharaohMan starts attacking him. ProtoMan is getting his ass handed to him and he won't last long.
Lan, Dex, Tory, Mayl and Yai all yell into Lan's PET trying to wake MegaMan up, yelling that they need him and all the like. Then we see MegaMan's helmet start to glow...
ProtoMan is just about to be finished off when a blaster shot knocks PharaohMan off guard. "WHAT?! I DELETED YOU!" It's MegaMan with a big smirk on his face. MegaMan and ProtoMan hit up a double program advance and take out PharaohMan. MegaMan thanks ProtoMan for saving him and ProtoMan says they're even now. Lan's father regains control of the satellite and puts it back into orbit.
Just then, PharaohMan jumps out of the rubble and gets ready for another attack. Hey! PharaohMan only has 800 hp, and two life swords is exactly 800 hp so there's no way he could... wait... this is a really stupid complaint. BlasterMan and StoneMan jack back in on Wily's command and capture the now weakened PharaohMan. They transport him back to Wily's fortress through a portal and MegaMan jumps after them. MegaMan is out of range for Lan to send him battle chips, but not to worry, "Use the Deus Ex Machin... er Style Change!" Lan inputs the Konami code, implemented with all the Botaki references, and MegaMan activates HeatGuts style. This allows him to wipe out BlasterMan and StoneMan without a problem.
Wily has PharaohMan tied up though and promises to restore his lost data if PharaohMan obeys him. Instead of doing that though, PharaohMan commits cyber-cide by blowing up the entire fortress, taking him and Wily with him.
Lan runs to um... his computer, so happy to see MegaMan again, then he runs back to go see Chaud, but Chaud is taking off. "Thanks Chaud," Lan thinks to himself, "I owe you one."
Oh yeah, GutsMan is ok too, showing up in bandages and a crutch. A cyber crutch.
And with that, we're done with this major story arc. From here, everything returns to the episodic nature the show started out with. It's a decent finale, but style change comes the fuck out of no where, and since WWW is taken out by PharaohMan, the whole sequence almost seems unnecessary if you take into account that MegaMan really has no bearing on the outcome of it.
Anyway, now MegaMan is cyber-Jesus with his whole coming back the recycle bin act and we come to the end of the good episodes of NT Warrior. After this episode, things start going downhill really quickly, and the show really craters when it gets to Axess. For now, enjoy a decent conclusion to a pretty interesting story arc.
Rating: Thumbs up!
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