I mention this because I don't see why this next episode was cut. Although I haven't seen it personally, the content doesn't sound like it isn't suitable for kids (at least for American audiences). My guess is that it was lost in scheduling conflicts if anything, and since the plot doesn't seem essential in the overall arc of MegaMan vs Grave, the producers felt comfortable with skipping it.
Take Me Out to the Ball Game!
Plot Synopsis here
Basically the son of a famous baseball player moves to DenTech, and to make him feel at home, Lan and his friends have a game of NetBaseball with their Navis. MegaMan dons a baseball uniform and it's game on.
The description I'm reading doesn't say anything about Grave attacking or anything, so I'm assuming this is a light-hearted episode, where the biggest conflict at most, is one of the characters cheating. The new character never comes up again either, so it's not like anything essential was lost.
Like I said, I can't imagine anything content wise that would get this episode cut. Swearing doesn't matter in a dub, excessive, gratuitous violence isn't likely during an episode about baseball and I doubt this episode featured any underaged suggestive content. Unless the weirdos making this show put Mayl in a cringe-worthy skimpy cheerleader outfit (she's eleven people!), and she was on screen too long to cut her out, but I doubt that. The author of the synopsis I'm reading says it was a good episode, so I'm assuming it wasn't cut because it was boring either, so I'm going with scheduling being the reason this episode was skipped.
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