Plot Synopsis
One day in Echo Ridge, everyone in town starts acting funny by laughing at wildly inappropriate times, and I don't mean like how certain internet forums laugh at tragedies. I mean like while their buildings are experiencing fires and disasters, and while people are getting in car crashes and similar situations. Omega-Xis determines that another FMian, Gemini is behind the problem and they pulse in to the wave world to go after him.
They fight, but Gemini has a distinct power advantage over MegaMan. "You still haven't mastered the EM-Wave Change MegaMan!" cries Gemini. Suddenly MegaMan is attacked from another angle, and we see Gemini's true power is that he splits into two personae, each which can attack at full strength. Having no chance at defeating both of them, Omega-Xis tells Geo to make a run for it. MegaMan escapes, and Gemini compliments his human counter part, Pat Sprigs on battling well.
We're then shown how Gemini and Pat got together, as Pat is nearly killed in a car accident and saved by Gemini. Gemini needs Pat to help him destroy the Earth, to which Pat agrees to help after experiencing the surge of power Gemini has granted him.
That night, Gemini strikes again causing people to become angry at each other, breaking out riots at baseball games and such. Geo runs out to help, but Omega-Xis stops him. Omega-Xis doesn't want to fight a battle they can't win, but Geo wants to help if he can. "I didn't come to Earth to play the part of a hero of justice for the humans," says Omega-Xis. This seems to really piss Geo off who tells Omega-Xis that he'll have to Wave Change with someone else then. Omega-Xis, acting like his girl friend just threatened to break up with him, caves in and helps out.
The episode ends as MegaMan and Gemini Spark begin battle.
The majority of this episode is action packed with MegaMan getting dominated most of it. We have a nice critical moment of Omega-Xis's character development, even though the dialog for it sounds really weird.
Pat's character is severely altered from the game though. In the game, Pat has a split personality brought about by being abandoned by his parents. His Pat persona is the friendly school friend of Geo, while his other persona, Rey, is an angered sociopath wanting revenge on the world, and Rey convinces Pat to assist Gemini because of this anger. Pat in the game is pretty sympathetic in this regard.
In this show, Pat seems to just be a power hungry nutcase, using manipulation and lies to get what he wants. Omega-Xis later explains that Gemini may have manipulated Pat to the point where Pat's own persona is almost completely lost, but this isn't ever too apparent. Pat is still a decent villain if you ignore the games take on it though, and this is a pretty good episode otherwise.
Rating: Thumbs Up!
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