This episode has sort of two focuses, the first being every one of the characters preparing for the big N1 Grand Prix, the net battling tournament. We see the main cast training, as well as WWW, and even Sal, Miyu and the mysterious Commander Beef (it's Masa wearing a fish helmet) will participate, as they are secret Net Agents who's job it is to stop WWW.
The second focus, and indeed the bulk of this episode's plot revolves around Higsby and NumberMan. Higsby has given an upgrade to NumberMan that has not only made him much more powerful, it has also driven him completely mad and NumberMan starts wrecking the city. Higsby gets Lan and MegaMan to help him out, but not even the combined effort of MegaMan, Roll, GutsMan and IceMan can stop NumberMan who is insanely powerful. Just as MegaMan is about to be deleted, a mysterious Navi shows up and saves him. He disables NumberMan and takes off before they can get his name, but we find out later that he is SkullMan, Miyu's Net Navi.
Finally, everyone arrives at the Grand Prix, and Dex is the first battle with GutsMan in a match he easily wins. His victory is short lived however as Chaud had just beaten his opponent in 12 seconds. Chaud states, "ProtoMan will crush MegaMan, and that is a promise," to which Lan replies, "Bring it on!"
I hope you like this story arc, because it's going to stay with the show for quite a while!
NumberMan is so god damned hilarious this episode he carries it all by himself. There's a few annoying parts where "Yai is rich" jokes cause a lot of eye rolling and we get to witness the same set of Batman themed jumping in a vehicle animations we've seen twice already, but this doesn't take away from the insanity that is a powered up NumberMan. A great episode on it's own, and a great set up for what is to come.
Rating: Thumbs Up!
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