Geo is discharged from the hospital apparently

Omega-Xis hears a voice calling to him from the Earth while traveling through space. He wonders if Geo is okay and immediately heads back. Pat is watching the havoc being wreaked from afar and Gemini asks what they're going to do about Omega-Xis since he has the Andromeda key. Pat says that as long as Geo is on Earth, Omega-Xis will come back.
Luna, Bud and Zack are running from a few EM-Wave viruses wondering where MegaMan is to save them, when Geo runs to their aid using battle cards in his transer to rescue them. Luna is disappointed MegaMan didn't save her, but Geo proclaims that MegaMan no longer exists. Cygnus laughs as the world beings to fall into his hands.
Now here's an episode that reeeeeally suffers from the 10 minute time limit. Everything here is build up to the next episode and there isn't any pay off in this single episode. Geo at least seems to have kept his heroic tendencies but he certainly hasn't forgiven Omega-Xis yet. We definitely though are seeing Omega-Xis showing some real concern for his friend, a big step from where he was when the show began. It's an alright episode, but I would be driven insane if I had to wait another week for just 10 more minutes.
Rating: Thumbs Up!
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