Plot Synopsis
Dr. Light has built a special super computer

Anyway, the spider shoots out webbing that sucks up electrical energy that power downs the city. Wily needs this energy to overload the super computer. Dr. Light gets a piece of the webbing and determines it isn't natural spider web (no shit sherlock, I don't need a PHD in robotics to figure that out!), and he determines that he'll need the webs schematics to reverse it... but don't you have a piece of the webbing directly in front of you Dr. Light? What?
Well Mega Man figures he can use his variable weapons system to copy the spider web's schematics and goes chasing after the spider, despite a butt fucking ton of spider web laying all over the city. Mega Man then copies the web by touching it, proving he's a moron since he could have gotten it from anywhere. A good chunk of the episode now is spent trying to avoid Wily's bots as Mega Man tries to get the schematics to Dr. Light.
Once they get it there, Dr. Light figures out how to reverse the energy flow from what he probably could have learned with the fucking strand of webbing he had to begin with! He gives Mega Man an electrical device where he needs to place the red and blue wires in the right spot (yes, that cliche is coming up too).
Wily with enough juice in his robo spider heads through the military base to the super computer to destroy it... except he blasts through all the computers defenses like it was nothing, so please tell me what the entire fucking point of this episode was if Wily was never threatened by the god damned thing in the first place? Mega Man then gets ambushed by Wily's bots, including Bright Man who Mega Man defeats the exact same way he's beat him every time, by wearing sunglasses. Come on! Not only does Bright Man look useless again, but they couldn't even come up with a new way for Mega Man to fight that power? Mega Man then quickly checks to see which wires to use. Why would a fucking robot have trouble remembering red or blue wires? Did he clear his memory cache or something?! Wily's robot is destroyed, and power is returned to the city.
This episode is god awful, and there are so many badly drawn sections it's horrible. The robot museum is particularly bad with robots that look like they're made of splattered rubber. Not only that, check out the screenshot below that happens for a split second... is that a hooker in a fucking kids show? It's episodes like this that make the show hard to enjoy. It's so stupid, and there's not a god damned thing here that I'm complaining about that is the fault of ignoring actual Mega Man related material. It's all from the show as an individual episode sucking.

Rating: Thumbs Down.
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