To deal with his problems, Libra submits his

Libra begins fighting between his two personalities again, with one side enjoying the writing life style of "sensei," and the other still hell bent on destroying the Earth. Unfortunately for his author side, he isn't very good at writing novels that are not his diary. He runs off to think to himself, but finds all of his favorite spots are crowded with tons of people because he mentioned his favorite locations in the book. Luna, Bud, and Zack drag a very reluctant Geo all over the city to these spots, while Libra tries to evade the crowds. Ultimately Libra is found out to be the alien, so he wave changes and MegaMan gets in a fight with him.
During the fight, Libra gets himself set on fire, and can't call to his water side to get himself out. This causes his aqua side to burst forth to save him, and the two personalities merge back together. He runs off, and MegaMan clears up the fire. Soon afterwards, a new hit book emerges, Underground Dwellers Also Worry, which everyone falls in love with, except Geo of course.
Better than the last episode because Geo adds some comedy to it, but it's still pretty mediocre. So what if Libra merged his personalities back together? That doesn't do much for Geo, good or bad. These last two episodes really feel like filler, and while there are much worse shows, this episode doesn't do much for this show.
If Libra were more interesting a character, it might have been able to pull it off though.
Rating: Thumbs down.
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