Cancer comes into Ophiuchus's room while shes

Geo follows her to the tower, and of course is worried that Luna's efforts will go to waste if he doesn't show up as MegaMan. He considers Wave-Changing just to make her happy, but just before he does, trouble really does start that requires his immediate attention.
Ophiuchus returns to the FMian base to find that Cancer has stolen her money to buy some sort of ice making device. We then see Cancer Bubble riding atop a giant glacier through the city streets, smashing cars and such with it. MegaMan shows up to stop it, and Luna runs head first into danger with stars in her eyes to give MegaMan his lunch. After she almost gets attacked in the fight, MegaMan tells her to beat it, and she runs off and hides.
Cancer Bubble is happy he's winning until Ophiuchus Queen shows up. She's really mad, and upset, that Cancer took her money, and she demands he pay her back, all of this happening on top of the iceberg in mid battle. With her choking Cancer to death, MegaMan uses the distraction to use a Fire Leo Star Break and destroy the machine and fire a shot off at them. The FMian's retreat, and the iceberg is about to crush Luna, but MegaMan saves her at the last second.
Finally safe and alone, Luna nervously hands MegaMan the lunch she made for him, and to Geo's confusion, the lunch actually tastes good. Luna watches MegaMan excitedly taking each bite, as Geo actually seems to enjoy the food.
Ophiuchus on the other hand is upset and crying at her lost money, so Cancer and the other FMian's feel bad for her, and pool their money to get her an expensive piggy bank. They put all their money together and now they are completely broke, which pisses off Ophiuchus even more that they wasted all of their money AGAIN!
The next day, Luna is trying to think of more ways to impress MegaMan, when she sees another show on tv, talking about girls that can clean. Suddenly, she bursts into Geo's room with a vacuum cleaner, kicking him out while she tries to tiddy it up, badly of course. Geo yells at her to stop messing up his room, and his mother giggles to herself.
This episode is a little bit sappy sugary sweet, but Geo has enough good lines to keep it from being almost unbearably cutesy. The best exchange in the episode is when he's actually eating lunch.
Geo takes a bite out of Luna's lunch, wincing his face before tasting it fearing the worst, but seems surprised after it's in his mouth.
Luna: How is it?
Geo: ...It's good.
Luna: Really!?
Geo: Yeah... it's a mystery...
Luna looks shocked for a second as if to say, "what!?"
Geo: N-No, nothing!
Luna: Have some more!
Geo: Okay...
The subplot with Ophiuchus also works well as the humor and timing are very good. This whole episode works great with character development, despite how odd it looks for costumed MegaMan sitting in a park, eating lunch with a girl. It's funny to see how Geo is nervously and clumsily handling the situation while trying not to disappoint Luna. Thank god this show is really innocent with the romance angles here, because Capcom, and indeed many other shows in japan, already have a lot of problems with underage girls being a little lewd... yuck. Good episode, that barely walks the line of being overtly cheesy and sappy, to some fans though, they'll find this episode adorable. Take that with however you can stand that type of scenario.
Rating: Thumbs up!
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