Plot Synopsis
Welp MegaMan is in a pickle now as all of his

Lyra Note shows up to help out MegaMan yet again (doesn't she have anything better to do?) She accidently strikes the ground which damages Crown Thunder. MegaMan figures out that since Crown Thunder is wave changed with a Earth Bound spirit, striking the ground will damage him. Don't look at me, I didn't write this!
They strike the ground and send Crown Thunder back into the sea. The next day, the group writes their report on sea sickness since Luna is suffering from it quite badly.
In part two, Luna is watching MegaMan battle some viruses when Lyra Note helps him out. Seeing MegaMan and Lyra Note take off, Luna gets incredibly jealous and then mildly depressed. After all, MegaMan is hers! The next day at school, Luna takes out her rage on all her classmates, going from class president to class tyrant! Bud, Zack and Geo figure they'll cheer her up by taking her to a Sonia Sky concert, since they can't contact MegaMan (as far as Bud and Zack know anyway).
At the Sonia Sky concert, Lyra is accosted by another FMian, Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus questions why Lyra hasn't destroyed Omega-Xis and gotten back the Andromeda Key yet, but Lyra tells her it's because MegaMan is too strong for her. Ophiuchus decides she'll need to Wave Change and fight MegaMan, just as soon as she finds the right human with the same frequency as her, and her eyes fall upon Luna! Dun Dun Dun!
The past few episodes have all been resolution and then setup in that order, and that's typically the opposite of what most shows do, although it isn't on purpose here. The first half of the episode we've got some typical heroism, saving the day, good stuff, albeit with a bit of a stupid plot device of attacking the ground. The second half has a few funny parts with Luna but I do think the show doesn't touch upon Luna's personal angst as well as the game does. The show does go other places with her character that I do think work tremendously well, but lets not get ahead of ourselves.
This episode is alright and I'm going to give it a thumbs up, but just barely. It's a weaker episode than most of the good ones, but still worth watching.
Rating: Thumbs Up!
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