This episode, to put it mildly, is insane. It starts

They're all having a chat about MegaMan (except Geo who is keeping quiet about the whole thing), and Bud mentions something about how Harp Note must be MegaMan's girlfriend. Luna doesn't like this at all, and flies into a rage, chucking briefcase at Bud, which misses him and hits Cancer right in the face. In the process of doing so, some of Cancer's tears land in the Andromeda Key. They all run past Cancer, and Zack makes a comment about how Luna's anger "is strong enough to destroy the world." Cancer immediately perks up to hearing this and upon seeing the tear in the Andromeda Key, he mistakes it for negative energy. Cancer immediately comes up with a new plan to destroy the Earth, piss off Luna.
Cancer starts following Luna around, drawing pictures of MegaMan and Harp Note in her notebook, sending her love letters to Harp Note, from MegaMan, and putting MegaMan and Harp Note's clearly cut up photo's on the heads of a newlywed couple. Each time Luna sees these things, she gets quite enraged, and Cancer inadvertently manages to get hurt, sending more tears into the Andromeda Key, convincing him that his plan is working.
It all comes to a head though, when Cancer Bubble dresses up as MegaMan, and carries a doll he's dressed up as Harp Note, and tries to pretend to be a couple with her. Luna sees this and proceeds to beat the shit out of him. Cancer is then seen back at FMian HQ, bandaged up like a mummy, and he goes on to watching a soap opera starring Sonia Strumm. Sonia delivers a line about promising vengeance on a rival who has stolen her lover, and this gives Cancer an idea. We also find out that Crown Thunder is a fan of Sonia's as well, and Cancer will tell Crown his plan...NEXT WEEK! Sorry kids, times up!
This is a great episode for Luna and a good one for Cancer. There's a lot going on here that you can only do with your characters when you are so far into a season. Luna's crush on MegaMan has developed, as has her jealousy of Harp Note, and Cancer provides a good deal of comic relief. The entire episode deals with their interaction with each other, and unfortunately Geo and Omega-Xis barely make an appearance at all, aside from Omega-Xis calling Cancer an idiot.
There's not a lot of action this time around, but the episode is certainly entertaining if you've been following the show long enough to enjoy the jokes in it.
Rating: Thumbs up!
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