Plot Synopsis
The episode opens up with Gemini Spark 
That day, Geo is walking to school, with Luna, Bud and Zack following behind, when he suddenly takes off and bolts the opposite direction. Fearing he's returned to his truancy days, Luna, Bud and Zack take off after Geo. They catch up with him, when Geo informs them that they found the remains of a space station at AMAKEN, the space station Geo's father was at.
The space station was given the task of establishing a link between planet FM and Earth, with a technology called the Brother Band, and this piece of the space station they found was still transmitting to planet FM. Omega-Xis realizes that this is Kelvin Stelar's doing, and finally informs Geo of the events that transpired on the Peace Space Station.
Omega-Xis lead an assault on the station, with the 9 other FMians. When he got there, he saw that Kelvin matched his frequency, and figured he could possess him for a wave change. When he entered Kelvin though for some reason, all of his hostility "melted away," and suddenly Omega-Xis had a change of heart. The space station was in wreckage, so Omega-Xis transformed all the crew, and Kelvin, into EM-Beings, which would keep them alive. Omega-Xis apologizes for leading the assault, but Geo is just happy to hear his father is still alive.
Just then, sick of all their failures, the FMians all at once, start an attack on Echo Ridge. Geo EM-Changes to MegaMan, and him and Omega-Xis rush to the fighting.
We've been dicking around a lot lately with side stories, character development, and a lot of skirmishes, but now we're moving on to the climax of the series. I really think the reasons for Omega-Xis's betrayal of the FMians in this show is a bit weak, as in the game, he did it for revenge, and that motivation makes more sense to me, and I think it develops his character a bit better towards the end.
Of course this isn't the game, and the climax to this show, although different, is still enjoyable. This is the sort of episode where a lot of important information is revealed, while building up the suspense. This episode would have been better if it were longer than ten minutes, but at least the reveal is nice to have.
One thing I thought interesting was that the Brother Band was one single project, where as in the game, it's almost like adding a myspace or facebook friend. The function of the Brother Band is a little different, although the connotations are the same, and I found it interesting that none of the characters knew what it was, but only because I played the games. Sometimes I think the show uses certain aspects better for the narrative, because in the games, the Brother Bands feel more like a game play device more than anything. All in all, this is a decent episode.
Rating: Thumbs up!
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