Plot Synopsis
The episode starts out just like any average

Vile has come from the future to get his hands on some Lightainium which is extremely rare 120 years in the future, and they need it for their weapons to wage war against the humans and Maverick Hunters. Also they mispronounce Reploid... We're going to make a lot of concessions here, trust me. Vile recognizes Dr. Wily and orders him to help him. Wily will do it if Vile will let him keep enough Lightainium to build his super death laser, and Vile agrees as human destruction makes him happy.
The mavericks march on to the power plant, and Mega Man goes to stop them. Unfortunately, the mavericks are made out of a super advanced metal that "won't be invented for centuries," (despite Vile being created only a century later...) and Mega Man's blaster is completely ineffective against Vile and Spark Mandrill. Spark Mandrill fires a shot at Mega Man and it starts to zap all of Mega Man's and Roll's energy. Just as Vile is about to destroy them, another portal opens, and out jumps Mega Man X... who looks incredibly shitty... sigh...
X saves Mega Man and blows the fuck up out of most of the power plant chasing after Vile and Spark Mandrill who escape. Mega Man thinks X is putting to much property and lives at risk, but X will "complete my mission at all costs!" You know, because X is known for being a blood thirsty psychopath...
Good thing we don't dwell on this, because X recognizes his creator, Dr. Light and goes back and shows him a picture of Dr. Cossack... er excuse me, Dr. Cain, and another picture of SIGMA, not CIGMA, and then they head back to the power plant to search for Vile and Spark Mandrill, making that last segment a giant waste of time.
They track down Wily to a dam where Wily's next plan is to flood the power plant and just grab the Lightainium with the security down. They blow the dam, and X and Mega Man are caught up in the flooding water. Wily gets to the power plant, but the security system (did I mention it's a couple of robotic arms?) still activate, and Vile just blows them up. So, plan two was also a failure? They steal the Lightainium and build Wily's laser.
Vile and Spark Mandrill are about to take off back to the future, but Mega Man and X finally show up. Vile orders Wily to blast them out of the sky with the laser, and it causes a huge explosion which turns the whole area black... but he missed em! Mega Man and X team up to take down Wily's bots and the Mavericks, and X himself and the Mavericks back through the portal. Wily escapes, but Mega Man is glad the future has a hero to protect it.
Ok, let's start by saying that I hate time travel stories. There, I got that out of the way, now let me stress how fucking awesome the premise is for an X and Mega Man story, fuck yes! Now let me express my hatred for X's art and voice, but even so, I still can't let that stop me from enjoying what's going on. I mean, Vile is there, acting like a total fucking prick just like he always is! Also, Spark Mandrill has a Russian accent for some reason and his total of maybe 3 lines are hilarious to hear.
Out of all the episodes too, this is probably the best animated. Still is this episode something that the average person, who doesn't know about Mega Man and X would enjoy? I couldn't tell you, I'm too wrapped up in how awesome I think this episode is for the silly reason that X is in it. Hell, I don't even like most of the Mega Man X plots as it is, but fuck all of that, this episode is great! Zero isn't mentioned or shown at all, but that's probably a good thing because what a can of worms that would open up with the whole Wily/Maverick Virus shit. Unless Scott McNeil would have got to voice him, then it would have been awesome! Or Lucas Gilbertson, but I suppose this show was a little before his career started.
If you love Mega Man, this is a must see, even if it has so much wrong with it. If you're just the average cartoon fan, it's an alright episode I think.
Rating: Thumbs up!
Only one episode to go!
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