Higsby has gone completely broke, and just as

Anyway, Gauss has secretly been working for Grave with his Net Navi MagnetMan, and is screwing up all the banks data and switching around money in accounts from various companies to Higsby's company, including AyanoTech and Blaze Quest (Chaud's company). Everyone's suspicious, so Chaud checks out the banks, because the entire police force of DenTech city is out done by 5th graders. ProtoMan finds MagnetMan there, but Guass jacks him out before Chaud can identify him.
Lan heads to Higsby's shop to see if he can figure out what's going on, so Gauss calls Higsby and tells him that someone is going to break in and steal all of Higsby's rare chips. Higsby figures Lan is an impostor, but ends up knocking himself unconscious with a broom. Lan jacks MegaMan in, and finds MagnetMan there... who I guess was just hanging out in Higsby's PC???
They get in a fight, and I noticed Lan is still using those chips he stole from Higsby last episode (those don't belong to you jerk!). MagnetMan splits in two, just like the game, and MegaMan can't take them alone, luckily ProtoMan saves his ass, and Chaud shows up. They initiate another double program advance, and luckily the building doesn't collapse this time. MagnetMan jacks out, and MegaMan finds a hidden door that leads to a secret room where Gauss is hiding. Lan and Chaud try to capture him, but Gauss turns his orchestra into a helicopter thing and flies away. Since Chaud and Lan have no evidence to use against Gauss, they can't have him arrested. The banks restore all the money and Yai becomes rich again, and Higsby becomes broke again.
When I say I hate the villains of Grave, I wanna make sure it's clear that I mean "except Gauss". The dude is fucking crazy on the Count Zap levels of enjoyment (for a reason actually), and the combination of him and Higsby carry this episode. Actually, Glyde has a few great lines this episode as well, and it's too bad he's never given much material. I think Glyde's voice actor could have pulled off a lot more if he was given more to work with. (Actually, his actor Ted Cole is involved in a lot of stuff, nothing I watch, but anime fans would probably know him).
I wish the main cast was as good as the supporting cast, because Chaud and Yai annoy the shit out of me. I mean, I can probably list the characters I like pretty fast. Masa, Higsby, Count Zap, Gauss, Mr. Match, Yahoot and MegaMan (although MegaMan gets a freebie for my overt bias). In a show that's as much a hit or miss as this one, it's good to have a few episodes that have focus on the interesting characters.
Oh yeah, the animation is back up to normal standards this episode too after the last two crap fests.
Rating: Thumbs up!
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