Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Star Force: Brother Band

Plot Synopsis
Meanwhile, on the good show (that last NT Warrior really jaded me), MegaMan rushes to fight the FMians attacking the city. The battle goes on for a bit, and Harp Note joins, when suddenly the FMian King, Cephus, beams a transmission to Earth. He calls back his FMian soldiers home, and says the invasion of Earth is over. Aaron Boreal figures that the Space Station Peace, finally transmitted the Brother Band to planet FM, and helped soothe the tensions enough to win over the FMian King's heart.

The FMians aren't quite ready to leave Earth though, so they figure they'll spend a few days actually enjoying the planet. They all head different ways, but Taurus decides to hang back and rest.

Not everyone is happy with the King's decision, and Gemini Spark sneak attacks Taurus from behind, killing him (wow, someone died on camera on this show?), and filling the real Andromeda Key quite a significant bit. We then see the ice encasing Andromeda crack just a bit.

About as straightforward as you can get for a plot. The Brother Band ending the war seems like a cop out, but with Gemini's betrayal, it's obviously just a false climax. Most of the episode is fighting fighting fighting, and it isn't the best animation this show has had, but it's adequate. Not a bad episode on its own, but the shock value of Taurus's death seals the deal on the rating.

Rating: Thumbs up!

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