With Hyde, Rich Dotcom and MegaMan all having

Heading home, Geo spots Hyde and Rich destroying the city while they are fighting each other, so he pulses in to try and stop them. Rich and Hyde decide that before they fight, it would be best to team up and take out MegaMan first! Uh-oh! Luckily for MegaMan, Hyde realizes he's lost track of time, and is late for a prior engagement. Hyde leaves, giving MegaMan enough time to escape.
Hyde has become a painting teacher, in hopes that the young children he raises in his studio will grow up to appreciate his work. In reality, everyone is really there to eat Luna's treats she brings, as Luna feels the class is a great way to practice her cooking, no doubt for her beloved MegaMan, and it looks like she's improved quite a bit!
Later in the day, Geo is out and about, and Rich Dotcom's EM-Being, Yeti, senses Omega-Xis and the other OOPArt nearby. Rich accosts Geo, and brings him to a cafe, where he offers Geo several briefcases loaded with cash for Geo's OOPArt. Geo doesn't even flinch. "I won't let you revive Mu!" he says! The episode ends with the two of them preparing for battle in the wave roads.
This is almost a strategic episode in the way various bits of the plot are being placed around the time frame to build up to the climax. You've got the brief hint that Dr. Orihime is planning something sinister, the double team of Hyde and Rich versus MegaMan, and Geo's unwavering determination to protect the Earth. Even Hyde's art class is setting up some significance, and while it seems dumb that he would potentially give up the OOPArt in order to teach an art class, it does seem to match his character. We only have six episodes left, but everything is moving towards the finale now.
This episode on it's own is pretty decent, although the rich guy offering the hero a truckload of cash that the hero rejects has been done enough times to be cliched, but the imagery is good, and it's some character points for Geo of course. It's an episode that makes you look forward to watching more.
Rating: Thumbs up!
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