The sword is out of control, and Geo and

Rogue has a new trick up his sleeve as well, and he starts using battle cards against MegaMan. Geo is knocked unconscious, and Omega-Xis tries to drag him out of Rogue's line of fire.
Then the episode gets a little weird, as we enter Geo's subconscious. There, he is confronted by the sword itself, which Geo pulls from the ground with some strain. This pulls Geo out of his unconsciousness and gives him complete control of the sword. Rogue takes a shot at MegaMan, and MegaMan takes the blast directly without even flinching. MegaMan then chops Rogue's sword in half, and blasts Rogue away, forcing him to retreat.
Meanwhile, Hyde hasn't found the OOPArt and figures it isn't in the pyramid either. Everyone heads home, and Omega-Xis's strains with the sword are finally gone.
I think there was a missed opportunity to expand on Geo's friendships in pulling him out of the swords grasp, like the way the game plays the scenario, but I do think that's caused by the time restraints. What we have is a satisfactory replacement though, and the imagery of Omega-Xis dragging Geo's limp body out of harms way is really good, and pretty powerful for a kids show.
The smugness on Geo's face when he knows that Rogue can't do shit to him anymore is priceless too, and Hyde doesn't even try to fight him. Good episode.
Rating: Thumbs up!
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