Geo is walking home with Omega-Xis, worried

On the way to AMAKEN to have Omega-Xis examined, Bob Copper stops Geo and takes him to DenTech University (Echo Ridge is DenTech way in the future). There, Geo is greeted by a mysterious huge, um, thing, and is taken to see Dr. Orihime, a researcher on ancient civilizations. She knows Geo's identity as MegaMan (in this series, Geo sucks at keeping his identity secret), and wants to recruit him to recover all the OOPArts, because if they don't, they'll be used to awaken the ancient civilization's EM-Wave God, Le Mu, and he'll wreck havoc on the Earth or some shit. They really talk for like six minutes straight, I'm condensing the hell out of this. If you really want the full gist, play the game.
Anyway, the two Wave-Beings that attacked MegaMan are revealed to be Yeti Blizzard and Dark Phantom, two humans looking to awaken Le Mu for their own gains. Just before we're all about to fall asleep from boredom, an explosion happens! Another mysterious Wave-Human (Rogue) shows up and starts attacking MegaMan for the Sword of Berserk! He's a tough son of a bitch, and even breaks through MegaMan's barrier card. The episode comes to a close as MegaMan and Rogue get ready to fight.
Timing is everything, and this episode is just barely saved from the depths of exposition hell the second Rogue shows up. The first few minutes of the episode are pretty decent and light-hearted, and now Cancer is taking a bumbling side kick approach to his character. After Dr. Orihime shows up, the episode gets dreadfully boring. It takes the entire plot of Star Force 2, and condenses it into six minutes, and that can be a lot to swallow. Not to mention I'm watching from subtitles, making it even more of a strain on me.
Rogue's appearance is timed just perfectly though, right before I was about to give up on this episode. Sure, there is barely a moment or two of action, but it worked well enough in catching me off guard. The exposition in this episode is probably necessary too, but it can get real grating. Thumbs up, but with a caution on the whole middle of the episode.
Rating: Thumbs up!
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