ElecMan is fighting MagnetMan, but struggling,

MegaMan collapses and his friends quickly rush him out of Grave's network to treat him. Meanwhile, the Net Agents are trying to contain the Virus Beast attacking NetCity. They evacuate all the Net Navis and blast the beast with everything they have, but their efforts prove futile. With no hope left, the Virus Beast consumes the Net Agent's navis, and continues the destruction of NetCity.
Mr. Famous shows up to help out Lan with MegaMan, and tells him that MegaMan's ultimate code is infected with bugs that were passed on to him when Bass scanned him. He tries to stop the spread of the infection, but it's moving too fast, and MegaMan's data starts corrupting from the bugs. With so much data screwed up, MegaMan's Ultimate Program starts regenerating itself by absorbing bugs into MegaMan, and creating a new style change called "Bug Style."
Acting on feral instinct more than any forethought or reason, MegaMan goes after the Virus Beast and absorbs it. But he can't stop absorbing, and continues consuming all of NetCity. Lan, not willing to sit by and let this happen, some how WALKS IN TO THE NETWORK, and begs MegaMan to stop. He tells MegaMan to fight the infection, and MegaMan freaks out and explodes.
The data begins to restore itself by "debugging" and all of the Net Navi's are brought back and NetCity is restored, including ProtoMan, AirMan, ThunderMan, and the Net Agents. Lan looks into his PET, shouting MegaMan's name, until suddenly MegaMan appears, back to normal. MegaMan thanks Lan and the day is saved, and Grave is defeated once and for all! If any of that made a lick of sense to you, you have a far better understanding of this show than I ever will.
Despite all the nonsense, misuse of computer terms, and just flat out insanity, this is a decent episode. It's paced well, gets you concerned for the characters, and leaves you satisfied at the end. Just turn your brain off though.
I'd say this is definitely a satisfactory season finale! What? There are four more episodes left? Aw what the Christ?!
Rating: Thumbs up!
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