MegaMan is trying to reach his mother, but Yeti

Dark Phantom hits MegaMan hard, and he's down. Just before Dark Phantom can claim MegaMan's OOPArt, Yeti Blizzard shows up to take it as well. The two of them charge MegaMan, when a blast comes down saving him. It's Hollow, showing up just in time to rescue him... or is he?
The first half of this episode is done a bit comically, with MegaMan dragging Yeti Blizzard to Hyde's position, and I wish they had played it straight. However, the rest of the episode is played straight, and I don't think we've ever seen Geo with as much fear as he has in this episode, which really strengthens this episode as a whole. Yeah, even though the beginning was more comical than I would have liked, it did get a chuckle out of me.
I do think Hollow's sudden appearance at the end is a bit contrived, even if they did foreshadow it a tiny amount a few episodes ago, but we're really out of episodes to build on the story at this point, and this probably wouldn't have happened if there were more episodes to expand on. Hollows appearance certainly doesn't ruin this episode at all, and this is one of the better episodes of this season.
Rating: Thumbs up!
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