Lan has been tasked to track down the source of the Dark Chips and learn more about them. At the local Net Arcade, he spots Ms. Mari, although her hair and clothes are different. He also sees a Net Battler slot in a dark chip. This powers up the guy's navi, but also causes it to go insane and delete his opponent's navi. The Dark Chip then causes the PET to explode.
The next day Lan asks Ms. Mari at school if she was at the Net Arcade, but she doesn't know what he's talking about. Lan goes to the arcade again to see if he can find the Net Battler, and discovers that the person that gave him the chip is the Ms. Mari look a like. He chases her down and bumps into the real Ms. Mari. After she points him in the right direction, he runs off and finds Ms. Mari sealed inside a freezer.
Lan jacks in MegaMan into the electronic lock where MegaMan meets NeedleMa... god damn it. SpikeMan attacks MegaMan, so Lan hits the Zeta Cannon program advance, which takes out SpikeMan and opens the lock... or so they think. Just as soon as Lan has Ms. Mari clear, SpikeMan ambushes MegaMan again. Ms. Mari offers Lan a dark chip to help save MegaMan, but Lan knows that if he uses it, it will corrupt MegaMan's data and make him turn evil. Lan refuses to use the chip, and Ms. Mari says something to the effect of calling MegaMan a hunk of data.
Lan suddenly realizes this woman is the fake, and she reveals herself to be Ms. Yuri, SpikeMan's operator. Lan uses some DoubleSoul to take SpikeMan out, and Ms. Yuri runs off into a crowd. Lan thinks he tracked her down, but runs into the real Ms. Mari instead. Ms. Mari lets Lan know that she has an identical twin sister, but she hasn't seen her in years. Lan wonders if vows to track her down and stop the spread of Dark Chips.
Ms. Yuri is the worst thing to happen to this show, hands down. The level of quality of the show is an inverse proportion to the screen time of this character. She's completely bland, cliched, and lacks any interesting characteristics whatsoever. In the first Battle Network game, Ms. Yuri is barely a blip in the story, and the evil twin scenario, complete with the mistaken identity crap, never has time to wear thin, and so it's not even worth notice to take seriously.
This show on the other hand takes her waaaaaay to fucking seriously, and the more they add to her, the worse it gets, trust me. Aside from Ms. Yuri being an incredibly boring villain, all this episode does is explain the dangers of the dark chips, which is an important plot point. I find the climax of this episode, Lan's choice of using the dark chip or not, to be kind of dumb. He knows the Dark Chip will essentially fuck up MegaMan, but how does he figure he's in enough danger to use it? MegaMan's been in battle for what, twenty seconds? Since DoubleSoul pretty much instantly takes out even a dark chip infused SpikeMan, I think my point is quite clear how dumb the scenario is.
It's just a lame episode, and this is where the season really starts falling apart.
Rating: Thumbs down.
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