Everyone is still worried about NetCity and the

So Lan and his friends go make the WWW agents help him find MegaMan, and we see Bass scanning MegaMan's data, looking at images of PharaohMan and the N1 Grand Prix and a bunch of junk. Then, finding whatever he was looking for, Bass gives MegaMan back to everyone and runs off.
The Grave Beast attacks NetCity again, ProtoMan gets deleted, and Kid Grave turns out to be a robot. Oh yeah, and the Program Advance is useless now, so expect some contrived bullshit to pop up with power levels and all that crap. Continually topping yourself gets you backed into really bad corners here people!
Sometimes it's better to leave details up to the audience's imagination. Remember when the Force from Star Wars was this big mystical magic power thing that drove events everywhere and the like? Then they went and changed it to bacteria and junk? A bit of what's going on here. Why is Bass formed from PharaohMan? What purpose does that serve for the story or character? Why is Kid Grave just a robot? Why did Wily decide to just shut him down anyway? I mean, what the fuck was the point?
Bass is also a god damned chatty Kathy. How can someone speak so much and say so little? Nothing Bass says is ever worth a damn in this show. Then you've got the first half of this episode where pretty much fuck all happens, and then you've got ProtoMan's deletion which should be a real emotional moment for the show, but it really feels glossed over, because before you can feel the impact of it, you're dealing with the stupid ass Kid Grave robot. I told you I hated Kid Grave as a character before, but I really hate every fucking aspect of him, right down to his conception, what a worthless character.
I dare say that Battle Network 2 and 3 actually pulled off better stories here. Bass and Grave's origins are much better done, and it's not like they went out of their way to really flesh them out either. This episode is just dumb.
Rating: Thumbs down.
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