Training is done for the day, and Hyde, Rich

The Ninja Master comes across Hyde and Rich Dotcom sneaking around the mansion, and expels them. So Hyde and Rich Dotcom wave change and attack. Surprisingly, the Ninja Master is able to hold his own for a small amount of time before they finally catch him off guard, and then both Dark Phantom and Yeti Blizzard make their way to the OOPArt.
With all the OOPArts in close proximity, the continent of Mu reveals itself, and Rogue moves towards it. With the distraction going on, Dark Phantom steals the Ninja OOPArt, and once Rogue reaches the continent, it disappears again. Everyone takes off, and the master is disappointed he lost the secret treasure of the tribe, but is enthralled with the new techniques he had seen during the battles, and is excited to continue his training.
MegaMan calls up Dr. Orihime to explain the missing OOPArt, and she calls him useless and gets angry. What the hell is her problem?
Hooray! We never have to hear "de osaru" again! Aside from that grating catchphrase, nothing wrong with this episode. Geo jumps for quite a scare after seeing a skeleton drop from the ceiling though, hilarious! It would have been nice for the battle to be a bit more climatic, but what a cliffhanger the show leaves you on with both of MegaMan's enemies now possessing an OOPArt!
Also, I like the thought of a well trained Ninja like human standing a fighting chance against Wave-Changed humans, ridiculous as the techniques the ninja used though. It was nice to not see him instantly go down.
Rating: Thumbs up!
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