Sonia is reading about the wonders of Mu and is

Anyway, Geo gets a call from Dr. Orihime to investigate another set of Mu ruins in the village of Whaz... no fuck that, I don't wanna be one of them fagots that gets upset over a few small localization changes, but seriously, Whazzap is one of the god damned stupidest things I've ever had to experience in any video game ever, let alone some of the retarded shit from the Mega Man series. So I'm going to pretend it was never localized. Geo is heading to Nansca, alright? Nansca.
Sonia calls up Geo to find out what he's up to and jumps at the opportunity to go off on an adventure. They head down to Nansca and meet the chieftain at the village ruins. He lets them into the temple, but Omega-Xis and Lyra don't sense any EM-activity. He shows them around a bit and talks about the traditions of the village. They used to sacrifice people to their gods on this day, but now they have a chosen person make an offering of an important treasure to that person. The chieftain then invites them all to a festival they are holding in their god's honor.
While in the village, Geo and Sonia run into Luna, who is there looking for those cooking ingredients, presumably for her beloved MegaMan. This is the first time Luna meets Sonia as well, and does she turn into a screaming fan all of a sudden. The cheiftan begins the ceremony for god to choose who should make the offering, by sending a bird through a crowd of people. Whoever the bird lands on has been chosen, and it just so happens to land on Luna. Luna gets excited that she gets to make the offering.
Sometime later, Cancer Bubble is tracking down Sonia and comes to the Mu ruins looking for her. Just as he walks in, he sees the village cheiftan get possessed by an EM-Being! The Cheiftan, with a glow in his eyes, declares himself god, and that Luna shall be his sacrifice!
They pretty much spend the episode building up the backstory of the village so they can bring about the conflict next episode. This is the first episode, probably of the season, to not have an action sequence in it at all. Instead we get some character interaction, and Sonia's starting to come off as much as a control freak as Luna. It is good they managed to fit Luna into this episode though, as she really gets shafted as far as her character goes most of this season, but poor Geo now has to deal with both of these crazy dames!
The only thing I don't like is that Condor (the EM-Being) just comes out of nowhere right at the end, without any real forethought or provocation. It's one thing if the villains induce him, like in the game, but it just seems lame that he arises out of nowhere, even after Omega-Xis explicitly says he doesn't sense anything in the temple. We're assuming Mu existed even before Battle Network started right? As did these EM-Beings, but they were hidden for thousands of years and lost until the FMian King showed up right? I'm just wondering why all of a sudden Condor appears out of nowhere is all.
All well, at least the chieftain is going to kill Luna instead of tickle her...
Rating: Thumbs up!
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