Dex has gone of to train with World Three in

Anyway, Dex comes back to DenTech city and starts acting like a jerk. He challenges Lan and MegaMan to a NetBattle, but it gets interrupted when Lan gets a Net Savior call. Lan has to go investigate a disturbance being caused by a darkloid named BurnerMan, but Lan gets distracted when Dex interferes, allowing BurnerMan to escape.
Mayl chews Dex out and tells him about Lan being a Net Savior, while Lan looks for BurnerMan. Dex also goes to look for BurnerMan, so he can then battle Lan proper. BurnerMan jacks into the local gas plant and sends balls of fire bursting through the sewers. Dex tracks him down to an abandoned gas storage facility, and jacks GutsMan in to stop him. Even with GutsMan's new training, he's still no match for the Darkloid, and Lan eventually catches up with MegaMan to help out.
After BurnerMan uses a Dark Chip, he sends the gas storage tanks flying into the sky, along with Lan and Dex! Seeing their NetOps in trouble, MegaMan and GutsMan merge into a DoubleSoul. Using the new GutsSoul, MegaMan takes out BurnerMan no problem. Lan thanks Dex, but Dex still acts like a jerk, and vows to defeat Lan and MegaMan some day.
So another "lost" character returns again. Why not just have the characters all stick around? What was the point of moving World Three? Isn't ElecMan supposed to be deleted? I find Dex's new obsession with beating Lan more puzzling than anything, as it sort of comes out of the blue. Also, why did he think World Three, a former terrorist organization that has never defeated MegaMan, be any help to him? On the outset, this episode is pretty stupid... but
Well Dex pulls it off decent enough. BurnerMan is a bit more entertaining than your standard darkloid, and the sewers exploding and flying gas tankers, while ridiculous, are pretty good. And of course, seeing a new DoubleSoul is always entertaining.
All in all I don't love this episode, but it stays consistently enjoyable enough for me to recommend it at least.
Rating: Thumbs up!
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