Previously on Mega Man, we quickly splice in

FreezeMan and HeatMan continue their battle, but HeatMan starts to lose the upperhand, so Mr. Famous gives Mr. Match the Extra Codes to cause HeatMan to go super saiyan and delete FreezeMan, bringing Mr. Match's vengeance to fruition!
Um... then what happens? Oh, Chaud tells Lan to go after Gauss, so WWW help break into Gauss's network, where they find all the missing Navis. MegaMan also starts freaking out a bit from his contact with Bass, which is causing MegaMan to undergo some weird transformations, but he shrugs it off cause MegaMan ain't got time for bitches.
MagnetMan ambushes MegaMan and all the others, trapping Roll, Glyde, GutsMan and IceMan. Lord Wily then reveals himself to WWW and orders them to stop assisting MegaMan, so Yahoot and Maddy jack out. Count Zap on the other hand is like "Fuck my brother! Imma fuck up that bitch!" and decides to stay in the fight. That's a good thing, because even style changed, MegaMan is too fucked up from his transformations to fight off MagnetMan.
Anyway, Bass confronts the Grave Beast, and then we get a nice long exposition of some details that will make you want to bang your head against a wall. So yeah, when PharaohMan was deleted, Bass was generated as a fail safe program thing or whatever, but he lost his "Ultimate Program" (whatever the hell that is), but Wily had that program to make the Grave Beast, and had Grave screw around with MegaMan to keep him distracted while they fed it Navis. Since Bass lost his Ultimate Program, he also lost his memory, so he scanned MegaMan to get it back, and that's why Bass can fight the Grave Beast. If Bass merges with the Grave Beast, he'd be the most powerful, and dangerous Navi in the cyberworld!
Well actually, Bass merges with it and explodes. So everything Wily just said doesn't make a lick of sense. Also, now the Grave Beast is stronger than ever or something. Everyone seems to be sad Bass is gone, but if they had only played Mega Man 7, they'd know better. Also, maybe I'm just growing jaded with this show, but the slow pan, extreme close up of Lan's eyes with the really scary music overlayed, looked so over the top, I laughed my ass off to it. Oh this show.
So I probably used the word "fuck" too much again, and I can only imagine the horrible people that are going to find this page, but seriously, all you can say after watching a dumb show like this is "fuuuuuuuuck!" I can properly transcribe it to text, but imagine a long, dragged out groan, and you get the picture.
Pretty much everything involving Bass and Lord Wily on this show is a giant clusterfuck. This show is really taking itself way to god damned seriously right now, I mean, we just had a Wacky Races episode not too long ago, and now we're talking about Cyber-Gods and Ultimate Programs and Terrorist Leaders Who Turn Out to Be Robots (also known as TLWTOBR). I'm really starting to miss German Wily and Evil Proto Man these days. You hear that NT Warrior? I would rather watch the Ruby-Spears cartoon!
As if the story wasn't bad enough there are all kinds of horrible jump cuts AGAIN, and just a piss poor, sloppy editing job. Doesn't anyone actually watch these episodes before they put them on air? Could you morons dubbing this show learn to use Adobe Premiere already? Or hell, Windows Movie Maker would be a step up at this point. It's obvious you're cutting shit out, but could you please stop leaving frames of cut scenes in? PLEASE?!
Despite all of that, I'm still recommending this episode. Guess who saves it? That's right folks, Count Mother-Fucking Zap, with an assist from Mr. Match. Count Zap and Gauss should have been the main characters of Metal Gear Solid, because their sibling rivalry is just great! Too bad we got all these other damn characters on this show to deal with.
Rating: Thumbs up!
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