Princess Pride has some how managed to make

Lan arrives with his friends, and with the help of the palaces other Navi, MoltanicMan, they subdue KnightMan. KnightMan undergoes diagnostics while Princess Pride regales us with the tale of MoltanicMan, who they found floating through cyber-space, and ended up adopting or something.
Well this turns out to have been a bad idea, because MoltanicMan ends up hypnotizing Glyde into attacking the firewall. While everyone is busy taking care of Glyde, MoltanicMan shuts the firewall down. MoltanicMan was working for Bright Land's arch nemesis, Dark Land, all along, and with the help of Grave, they're going to invade within a matter of minutes! I guess he means with viruses or something.
Lan initiates Elec Team style, but surprisingly it isn't an end all attack this time. MegaMan actually struggles, and just before he's taken out, KnightMan ends up taking a blow for him. Princess Pride gives Lan her PET extension chip, and with KnightMan's combined might, they delete MoltanicMan.
How many kills for MegaMan so far? I guess he took out CutMan, so this makes two! Good job blue bomber!
With everything back to normal, Lan is knighted by Princess Pride. Grave isn't so happy about this turn of events though, and promise to target MegaMan and Lan directly.
Once again, a character's name was changed from the source material, and NapalmMan became MoltanicMan. I suppose Napalm has harsher connotations this time than a stupid name change like FireMan to TorchMan, but as a MegaMan nerd, I should get all huffy and whiny about it right?
There's ups and downs in this episode, like we get another "high-larious" Yai needs to go to the bathroom joke, but then she actually does something funny when she ends up being the one to take down Glyde. Of course, Princess Pride is boring, but it was nice to see MegaMan actually have to put up a fight in a style change. This episode isn't great, but there's really nothing wrong with it either. It's not boring, but it isn't high energy entertainment either. Truth be told, if every lesser episode of this series hit this mark, the show would be much better overall. Thumbs up, but just barely.
Rating: Thumbs up!
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