It's just a normal day in DenTech city when

The beast appears to have been the work of Grave, and Kid Grave laughs at the destruction it causes, until suddenly Bass appears before the beast. Bass stares it down, and the beast walks away. Before MegaMan can find out who Bass is, Bass teleports away. Everyone is wondering how they are going to save NetCity and stop this thing (especially an over dramatic Lan Hikari).
Kid Grave is also concerned about this new Navi (Bass) who stopped the beast's rampage, and turns to his own master, the real leader of Grave, for guidance, Lord Wily! DUN DUN DUN!
The first half of this episode is spent setting the mood of it being a perfectly normal day. Just about each character goes through their routines in little entertaining ways, and the scene at DenTech Elementary and #1 Curry are just great!
Then Miyu shows up to kill the mood with her whole predictions of doom and gloom. Pretty much after the Beast begins its rampage, the episode goes from pretty good, to mediocre. Frankly, the melodrama is turned up to high, and Lan falling to his knees and crying at the end of the episode just looks ridiculous. Listen guys, just jack your Navis out until NetCity is fixed, geeze! Is this how people would react to World of Warcraft going down? Bass also has some lame lines in this episode, and I think it would have worked better if he was silent, and from what I understand in the original source, he is, in fact, silent.
The last thing that irks me, is that when the Grave Beast is attacking the city, it uses this animation of it swallowing up the city. We go to an extreme close-up and air gets sucked in the beasts mouth. They play this exact same animation sequence at least eight times, and it bugged the shit out of me. That said, I've seen the "Jack In!" and "Download!" animation about a million times too, so it doesn't ruin the episode or anything, I just hate how "copy/pasted" this animation looks.

That aside, the beginning has some real gems here. Look in the above screenshot at Yai, she's got a bazooka and met helmet! That's just funny, and the little match between Mr. Match and Count Zap is just perfect. I think the dramatic bits of the episode might work the first time you see them, so I'm giving this episode a thumbs up, but on repeated viewings, it feels pretty bland in the second half.
Rating: Thumbs up!
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