Possessed by an EM-Being, the village chieftain

He DOES NOT TICKLE HER, but instead demands to sacrifice her heart, which is notably a bit more dangerous. MegaMan shows up again and continues the fight. In the fight, MegaMan blasts up the flowers that were made as an offering the previous year, and this affects the chieftain, allowing him to start reasserting his identity over the EM-Being, stunning it long enough for MegaMan to deliver a final blow to the beast. Interestingly, the Condor EM-Being seems to have a death animation like the NT Warrior delete animation, so MegaMan actually might have scored a kill here.
With the day saved, everyone heads home, and Geo makes it just in time to go out to dinner with his mom, where he has chicken! "No more birds!" cries Geo.
Star Force 2 has a lot of problems, but if you were to pick out any particular thing about it that would sum up what was bad about it, it would be the Whazzap scenario which featured Terra Condor. It is so horrible, and god am I glad that they pretty much rewrote it entirely for the show.
This episode is almost non-stop fighting and it works well enough. This episode and the last one are pretty much the only ones to feature Luna as well, at least as a central figure in Geo's life, and I think it's important they got something out of that, considering what a key role she plays in the whole story. Also, there's this.

Rating: Thumbs up!
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