Plot Synopsis
We pick up from last time with Taurus Fire cornering Geo, Luna and Zack. He opens fire with a flame breath attack, which Geo dodges and Luna and Zack make a run for it. With Luna and Zack distracted, Geo EM-Wave changes with Omega-Xis into MegaMan. Now Wave-Changed, MegaMan quickly picks up an advantage on Taurus Fire as MegaMan is much faster than Taurus. Taurus Fire then decides to take Luna hostage to regain the upper hand. MegaMan hesitates to strike Taurus, who begins to unleash his fury on him. Luna gets upset and yells to Bud to stop what he's doing, causing Bud's identity to momentarily perk up which stuns Taurus. MegaMan quickly quickly strikes Taurus and saves Luna. Taurus escapes, but leaves Bud behind. Bud awakens without any memory of the event, while Luna thanks MegaMan for saving her again. Just then though, Detective Copper shows up and Geo bolts.
Well the next few days Geo is getting more comfortable with school. On the way to class, the characters spot an advertisement for Sonia Strumm (Renamed Sonia Sky). Luna, Bud and Zack head to Sonia's concert, but it's been canceled because Sonia is missing. That night, Omega-Xis leaves Geo in his bed asleep and investigates a signal he receives. The signal is coming from Lyra, another FMian and of course, she wants the Andromeda key. She's no match for Omega-Xis so she quickly EM-Wave changes with an unknown human into Harp Note (renamed Lyra Note for some reason). Now much more powerful, Omega-Xis struggles against her. Luckily, Geo notices Omega-Xis is missing and quickly heads to his location to rescue him.
Before a fight can break out however, the Satella Police show up and Lyra Note bolts. Geo is left standing there to be questioned by a very suspicious Bob Copper. Later, Sonia's manager receives a call from her, she's on a secluded island somewhere and says she won't be back for a while. We then see that she appears to be working with Lyra as the episode fades out.
This episodes take on how Geo meets Sonia is completely different from the game's scenario, and I would even go as far to say that I think this version severely undermines the importance of their friendship with regards to Geo's character development, and Sonia's as well. When they both meet in the game, they are significantly damaged people, both missing a loved one. Here, when they formally meet, Geo is well on his way to recovery, and Sonia hardly has any personal problems at all. I hate to say it, but Sonia's character is really a shell of her original role and far less interesting than before. She's not annoying or anything like that, but she lacks a lot of depth that she originally had.
The first half of the episode is just fine, lots of action, but not too much thinking. The second half is spent introducing Sonia and Lyra, but not leaving much impact. With a serial show, missing an episode will leave the audience very confused when the next episode airs, so catch this one just to stay up to date with the story. On it's own though, this episode doesn't bring enough to the table for me to give it a thumbs up. I am just barely giving it a thumbs down though, and I think if I had to rate the individual episodes that were combined into this one, I'd rate the first half a thumbs up.
It's not a bad episode, it's just very dry content wise.
Rating: Thumbs Down.
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