Plot Synopsis
Lan and his friends are Net Battling at Yai's tree house when Masa sneaks in and tells the kids that they're outta shape and wasting their time with Net Battles. Masa forces them into a bunch of rigorous exercise routine of running, climbing trees, swimming and some base ball. Everyone except Masa is having a rotten time, and eventually Masa gives them a lunch break, feeding them crackers made out of fish heads (for calcium), and then he begins "educating" them with his vast knowledge of fish facts from his PHD in Fishology...? Let's pretend Masa means Ichthyology and is just dumbing the word down for 5th graders.
Meanwhile, Lord Wily is berating the failures of his three underlings Mr. Match, Count Zap, and Maddy. They have a new plan to cause havoc with the robotic aquarium, who apparently have fish that can defy gravity because they start flying all over town. They smash up things, cause some wrecks, and chase Lan and everyone all over town. Lan jacks MegaMan into the cities network to locate the source of the problem. At the aquarium's network, MegaMan runs into another net navi who looks like a shark. The network is also covered Jelly viruses, who form up into a giant Jelly virus! MegaMan is in trouble, but Lan is running from a giant shark. Masa gives Lan a distraction to make a run for it and says a great line. "I've been catching fish all these years, it's only fair they get a shot at me!"
Lan runs into the aquarium but none of his chips are effective to help MegaMan. Just then, a fishbone thrown like a dagger, hits the wall nearby Lan holding an Elec Sword battle chip. Lan figures out to use the chip because Jelly Fish are 90% water, and water conducts electricity. Good on you Lan for figuring out the answer when it's literally handed to you. MegaMan stops the virus with the help of the Shark Navi and all the robotic fish cease to function saving the town. The shark navi introduces himself as the "Legendary" SharkMan and thanks MegaMan for his help against the viruses.
Lan returns to his friends and everyone has decided that Masa's lifestyle of exercise, healthy eating, and fish knowledge is a good lifestyle to follow. We then see Masa standing atop the dead shark robot which is impaled on a radio tower looking off into the sunset. This is a real fantastic shot to end on.
The last episode was just decent enough to give a Thumbs Up, but this episode is actually really good. Masa is easily one of the best characters of the show, and despite his corny way of talking, he has a decent amount of depth, which will become more apparent as the show goes on. Lan's still a bit whiny this episode, but at least it seems more justified, plus, Lan actually is a little bit heroic this episode in fighting to save MegaMan. MegaMan is also shown to have some inexperience this time instead of completely dominating his opponents like every episode prior. Even Dex has lost the chip on his shoulder for an entire episode, making him tolerable as well.
These early episodes of NT Warrior are nonsensical in their villains plans, and the supporting cast is great. This is why the very first season of NT Warrior is actually pretty good. I know it's not unusual for a show to have a better first season than later seasons, but this show really starts taking a fucking nose dive by the time Axess rolls around, switching up these kooky plans for more melodrama and... ugh... cross fusion. That's a ways off though.
Rating: Thumbs Up!
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