This is a combination of the episodes "Harp Note's Surprise Debut!" and "A Human Virus Appears?!"
Plot Synopsis
Geo comes walking out of the Satella Police head quarters, again, and is scolded by Detective Copper about running around so late at night. Geo's mom picks him up and asks him if anything is wrong, but Geo lies and says everything is fine. His mother doesn't fight him on it, noting how much better Geo has been doing lately returning to school. Geo gets home and asks Omega-Xis about Lyra, whom Omega-Xis is sure will be back soon.
Meanwhile, Sonia is throwing a big fit on her secluded island. She is sick of her music producer handing her songs to sing, and she wants to compose her own music. She is lacking inspiration though, but she's thankful to have Lyra by her side to help her. She feels tuckered out from yelling, and goes to sleep. While she does this, Lyra takes advantage and EM-Wave changes her into Harp Note.
Soon, Geo is helping Luna shop with Bud and Zack, (Geo doesn't seem to happy about it) when Sonia appears as a recording on all the televisions singing one of her hit songs (I believe an original composition for the dub), when suddenly the televisions all switch to Lyra Note on the screen. Lyra starts singing a lullaby, which puts all of the city to sleep, except for Geo and Bob Copper who seem to be unaffected. Geo might be being protected by Omega-Xis, but I haven't a clue why Copper is immune... probably for comedy? With everyone asleep, Geo wave changes into MegaMan and takes off to track down Lyra Note, but not before Luna catches a small glimpse of the Wave Change. "Geo is MegaMan? It can't be... I must be dreaming," she says yawning to herself and then passing out.
MegaMan finds Lyra Note and they begin to battle. In the midst of things, Sonia wakes up during the fight. She has no idea what's going on, and her identity has reasserted itself over the EM-Wave Change. MegaMan explains to her that Lyra is an FMian sent to destroy the Earth, which shocks Sonia. Before Lyra has time to explain to her though, the Satella Police arrive on the scene and Lyra pulses Sonia out, while Geo does the same.
Back at the island, Sonia confronts Lyra. "So that talk about being a music goddess was a lie? And you're really here to destroy the Earth?" "Well, kinda..." This exchange is so preposterous it cracks me up every time. Lyra tells Sonia that she's put that all past her now to help out Sonia, and Sonia forgives her, and they travel the world looking for inspiration for Sonia's music.
I could complain about this segment as it seems hastily put together, but that's pretty much how it happens in the game too, so if anyone's to blame for this scene, it's Capcom. Frankly though, Capcom writes so many bad stories, I can overlook these rather shady put together motivations in one of the few games Capcom wrote well.
Abruptly switching gears to the next half of the episode, MegaMan is battling viruses in the city. One however, gets away and merges with a human. In the game, Virus-Human mergers are called Jammers, and this show plays it up like it's going to be a big deal, but it'll never happen again after this episode. MegaMan can't find the missing virus, so he pulses out just in time for Bob Copper to find Geo at the scene of the crime, again!
"How come every time I track down some weird EM-Frequencies I find you here Geo?" "Uh, it's a coincidence?" "I don't think so..." "Uh, gotta go! Bye!" "Hey wait!"
Copper smells a rat and decides to follow Geo around. Omega-Xis sees him, and runs Geo all over town to evade him, but Copper sticks to him like glue. Eventually they end up at the art museum where, coincidentally, Luna, Bud and Zack are there to write a report on. The Jammer shows up at the art museum and starts wreaking havoc, but Copper throws Geo into the back of his police car, which is guarded against EM-Wave frequencies, so Geo can't Wave-Change to MegaMan. Copper runs off to apprehend the Jammer.
Luckily, Luna, Bud and Zack spot Geo in the police car and let him out, and Geo takes off to go Pulse In. He shows up just in the nick of time to rescues Copper from the Jammer, then pulses out back to the inside of the cop car, leaving Copper none the wiser. Copper lets Geo out, telling him that he thought Geo might know something about MegaMan, but now he has it all figured out. Geo must be a big fan of MegaMan's, looking to get an autograph. Geo breathes a sigh of relief and goes home.
A fantastic episode, particularly the second half involving Detective Copper. In the game, Copper is a bit of a bungling, incompetent moron, but here, they did him better as he's just barely unable to prove his suspicions. The chase scene involving him and Geo is a laugh riot and the highlight of the episode.
The first half is decent too, and the dubbers did a good job of composing some new songs for Sonia to sing, as the Japanese songs don't translate very well into English. The singing is decent as well, and while I don't think I'll be humming the tune to myself all that often, the credibility that the character is a pop-star isn't hurt at all.
There's also a little bonus easter egg in this episode for all you Mega Man Legends fans. Doesn't the outfit and hairstyle on that bill-board look just a wee-bit familiar? Was Inafune at the studio that day?

Rating: Thumbs Up!
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