There's all kinds of discrepancies about between the games and this show, but harping on those points would lose so much of the comedy that is harping on the problems with the show itself. However, for the uniformed, I want to run down the main consistent points of the show.
The show takes place sometime before Mega Man 5 and 6. The good guy casts consists of Mega Man, Roll, Rush, Eddie and Dr. Light. The Bad Guy casts consists of Proto Man, Guts Man, Cut Man, Dr. Wily and any of the robots from the first 5 games. Don't harp on the fact that Proto Man is evil, that Dr. Wily owns all the robots, including Dr. Light's and Dr. Cossack's robots, and that none of Dr. Wily's plans make any sense. Also, try not to get annoyed that Rush is a carbon copy of Scooby Doo, or that Mega Man is a catchphrase generator. This is the show folks, enjoy it for what it is. This episode is a retelling of the events of Mega Man 1.
Plot Synopsis
It's a nice day at the Monsteropolis airport... well maybe it's Monsteropolis, they never mention the city's name. Anyway, Dr. Wily attacks with Proto Man, Cut Man, Guts Man, Ice Man, Bomb Man, Fire Man and Elec Man. The air port security call Mega Man at Dr. Light's lab, directly with their radios some how, and Dr. Light tells Mega Man to go stop Wily. Roll wants to go fight too with her hilariously sexist vacuum arm, but Mega Man is too chauvinistic to let a girl robot help him out. He jumps on Rush, his robotic canine with the mysterious power to drastically change in size and distort perspective!
Roll decides to help Mega Man anyway, but proving Mega Man right about women being useless, she gets in trouble and Mega Man pushes her out of the way of a train which then falls on him. Wily, who has the best fucking voice actor ever hands down, laughs assuming he's destroyed his nemesis, and Roll quickly rushes Mega Man back to Dr. Lights lab, presumably to get him a 1up!
Dr. Light begins to repair Mega Man and recounts to Roll how Mega Man and her came to be. Dr. Light and Dr. Wily were working on robotics to help improve mankind, but when they activated their first robot Proto Man, he ran off in a random direction and started smashing some of the lab equipment. They deactivate him and Dr. Light says there must be something wrong with Proto Man's programming. Dr. Wily protests that it can't be the programming because he did the programming. Light dismisses him, saying he's sure it's the programming, and tells him to destroy his plans and start over instead of... you know... debugging or something.
Well Dr. Wily doesn't take this slight against him very well and decides now he is going to steal Dr. Light's robots and take over the world! Yes, it's really that simple, if only Dr. Light had been a bit more tactful the cocky asshole! Wily kidnaps Proto Man and gives him sunglasses and a scarf, because damn is Wily fashionable. Three months later, Dr. Light builds a new robot he names Rock, and he introduces him to his sister robot Roll. Rock and Roll meet Dr. Lights other robots, the first six Mega Man robots, but Dr. Wily shows up with Proto Man and uses a reprogramming gun to turn Light's robots against him. For some reason he doesn't feel it necessary to use this on Rock and Roll, and instead decides to kidnap them so he can reprogram them manually. He kidnaps Rock and Roll, with Dr. Light screaming "No! Not Rock and Roll, what does he want with Rock and Roll?" DO YOU GET THE JOKE YET!?
Well they're taken back to Wily's lab, were Rock tells Dr. Wily that Dr. Light is sending powerful Warrior Robots to save them. He'll show Dr. Wily how to stop them if Dr. Wily lets him free. Well since Asimov says robots can't lie, Dr. Wily lets him go. Well it turns out Rock was lying and he escapes, which really seems to piss Dr. Wily off. "ROBOTS CAN'T LIE!" If you some how though Asimov was going to apply to this show... or even this franchise, you are sorely going to rudely awakened. Later on, Roll decides to upgrade herself as well. Maybe Dr. Light should name his labs Skynet.
Anyway, you know the rest, Dr. Light rebuilds Rock into Mega Man and yadda yadda yadda. Back in the present day, Mega Man wakes up, admits he should have let Roll help out despite the rather damning evidence against that idea, and he heads back to the airport where Wily has decided to start spray painting his face on all the air planes. Mega Man kicks all their asses, him and Proto Man get into it for a bit and we see one of the rare times Proto Man makes use of the variable weapons system on Guts Man. Proto Man is defeated, and Wily runs away with his robots. Dr. Light helps clean up the airport and gets some praise from "the mayor" that is a character in all these types of shows, and Rush acts really stupid while everyone laughs. Credits roll.
Sizzling Circuits this show is stupid! This is really one of the better episodes though. The voice acting is fantastic in that over the top acted sort of way although someone really needs to do something about the over use of Peter Lorre as an voice type for characters. The animation for the show is decent, although if every episode were as awesome as the introduction, this show would be about a million times better. This show really goes over board with the puns though, and Dr. Light says "Rock and Roll" so damn much you'd think they were trying to make up for the fact that they'll never say this joke again.
Still, I found it funny, probably for all the wrong reasons. It's a decent intro to a show that isn't any worse than Ninja Turtles (this is going to be my measuring stick for a lot of episodes.) and trust me, if you went back and watched Ninja Turtles now, you'd be surprised how terrible that show is. If you want my 6 year old cousins opinion on this show though, it's awesome!
Rating: Thumbs Up!
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