Plot Synopsis
MegaMan is in combat with Cygnus Wing as the falling satellite flies towards AMAKEN lab. Geo holds back a little bit until Omega-Xis tells him that if he defeats Cygnus Wing, the FMian will lose his grip on the human. The lab is evacuated, but Aaron can't stop it. The Satella police deal with the viruses released by Cygnus while MegaMan heads after him to the satellite. MegaMan duels with Cygnus Wing on the falling satellite and stuns him long enough to talk to Tom Dubios who is very adamant about destroying the Earth. Omega-Xis talks some sense into Tom by reminding him of Geo's humane act of sharing his food with Tom. Cygnus starts to lose some control and Geo takes advantage by striking him. Unfortunately it's not enough to save Tom, and Cygnus retreats with Tom as his hostage. No time to go after them, Geo destroys the satellite saving AMAKEN labs. Geo then vows to save Mr. Dubios if it's the last thing he ever does.
We switch gears in the second half of the show as Omega-Xis is complaining to Geo about how bored he is at home. Geo says he has to study, so Omega-Xis says they should go to the school. Geo refuses and Omega-Xis throws a big fit that lasts well into the night and the next morning. Finally, Geo reluctantly decides to go to school to shut Omega-Xis the hell up, much to the surprise of Luna who had come to Geo's house to drag him to school. Shocked at first, but then incredibly delighted, Luna tasks herself with taking care of Geo at school, but Omega-Xis finds school even more boring than waiting around Geo's house and eventually takes off frustrated.
Luna is showing Geo around the school, and in particular, the planetarium to which Geo just lights upon seeing. Bud gets a little jealous at Geo getting all of the attention. Omega-Xis gets attacked all of a sudden by Taurus, another FMian looking for the Andromeda Key. During the fight, Taurus posseses Bud, transforming him into Taurus Fire! The episode ends with Geo, Luna and Zack, cornered by Taurus Fire on the schools campus.
Last episode I said this being a serial show helps keep episodes from being disjointed, but not all the time, especially when an arc switches gears so suddenly. It doesn't happen too much in the dub, but I could see it becoming a bigger problem as the series would go on. Looking at this entry within the series, it's fine, alone, the sudden shift could hurt it.
In the game, Geo's decision to go to school has a lot more weight to it, and I'm disappointed the writers copped out by having Geo return to school as a result of a comedy sequence. I'd hate to say it, but it makes Geo's decision to not go to school look as though it had much less of a social impact on him than the game's take on it.
If I had one complaint about this show, it would be that they gloss over a few critical points to develop Geo's character, but that said, I find this episode to be more of a missed opportunity than a bad episode. The sequence actually is decently funny, it could have just built up better. When Geo decides to go to school in the game, you really feel a change is happening in him, where as here, it's just a setup for a joke. I still recommend this episode though, as it entertains well enough.
Rating: Thumbs Up!
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