Let's get something perfectly clear before I get started, these reviews will be much shorter than my game reviews. Since there's no interactivity I don't really have to speak about design or playability, and the sound and aesthetics of each episode of any of the series rarely change enough to devote a category to it. Simply put, all you should expect is a simple synopsis of the episode plot, along with a small critique of it.
I am more than aware of how dumb it sounds to be overly critical about a kids television show so I'm not going into this with real high expectations. I'm just going to be basing most of my reviews on if the show was entertaining or not. The last thing I'm going to do is nit pick the differences between the show and the games and get all indignant about stupid details like "Proto Man isn't evil!" and "that's not how Star Man's powers work!"
Now there are points of this show that are comically stupid though, and I'll point those out if they're suitably funny enough, but these shows are nothing to get worked up over like your typical AGNERY INTERNET REVIEWR (BLARG SHITFUCK FUCKSHIT). That said, I'm not reviewing Mega Man's portrayal in Captain N, because there are some depths even I'm not willing to sink with this franchise. I will be reviewing Mega Man Upon A Star, The Ruby-Spears Mega Man Cartoon, the Mega Man NT Warrior cartoon, and the Star Force cartoon, but I'm not going to review them a series at a time, but rather keep circulating between them. I'm doing this, because frankly there is only so much NT Warrior I can take in a row. On with the reviews.
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