Plot Synopsis
There comes a time in every young cartoon super villains life that he'll try to destroy the entire city/country/world with a giant earthquake making drill machine, and this time it's Wily's turn. When an earthquake hits the city, Mega Man spots GutsMan and CutMan, I dunno, going for a walk or something, and Mega Man opens fire. Thanks to a tricky distraction shot with the Rolling Cutter, GutsMan and CutMan plant a tracking device on Mega Man through a blowgun.
MegaMan, unbeknownst to him, wearing the transmitter heads back to Dr. Light's lab where they determine Dr. Wily must have been the source behind the earthquakes. Dr. Wily is listening through the transmitter, and prepares an ambush for Mega Man, who heads to the center of the quake. Mega Man manages to survive the ambush and takes off.
Next, the Mayor of Generic City USA and Dr. Light and Mega Man are having a meeting about what to do about Dr. Wily. Dr. Wily appears on all the mayors sixteen televisions demanding the mayor hand over the city to him. The mayor refuses because "THAT'S SLAVERY!" Honest to god the best lines in this show are the ones not written to be purposely humorous. Dr. Light suggests that he finish working on an invention of his called the "Anti-Quake Stabilizer," which is basically a box with a satellite on it.
Wily listens in while Dr. Light is building the stabilizer, and sends an earth quake towards Dr. Light's lab. The device is destroyed and Mega Man suffers some minimal damage and needs a quick tune up. Mega Man wonders how Dr. Wily knew to strike the lab, but didn't Dr. Wily used to work there??? While repairing Mega Man, Dr. Light finds the micro transmitter planted on Mega Man, and Mega Man hatches a plan to use the transmitter to ambush Wily and his robots.
During the coming battle, Roll is kidnapped by Proto Man and Dr. Wily uses his drill in the subways to start an earthquake that will destroy New York City. Mega Man quickly catches up and destroys the machine and rescues Roll, but Dr. Wily and Proto Man get away.
This is classic cartoon nonsense with villains appearing on televisions, giant earth quake drills and generic mayor characters. There isn't anything particularly special about this episode as pretty much every cartoon on earth has done a similar story. The dialog and action has a lot of those moments that are funny even though they aren't supposed to be, while the "humor" dialog is actually the same amount of horrible catchphrases and puns from every episode. It's not a great episode, but it has enough over the top bullshit to entertain.
Rating: Thumbs Up!
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