Plot Synopsis
Geo is floating around in a daze when he see's the blue alien Omega-Xis before him. He's initially scared, but notices Omega-Xis is wounded and offers him help. Omega-Xis explains that he is an alien from the planet FM but before he can go into detail, the background shatters and Omega-Xis disappears.
Detective Bob Copper arrives on the scene with a Satella Police unit after detecting large amounts of EM-Wave activity. There, they find Geo unconscious. They take him back to their HQ where his mother comes down to take him home. Copper asks Geo if he saw anything related to the EM Waves, but Geo is in a daze and says he was only star gazing. Geo's mother walks him home and when they arrive, Geo suddenly snaps out of his daze and begins rambling to his mother about the lights in the sky, and the FMians and Omega-Xis, but his mother thinks he was dreaming... or maybe she hopes he is dreaming. Let's not forget that Geo is unfortunately all too ripe to be mentally disturbed at the moment, and his mother makes note that she is worried about him since the Satella police found him. Geo hesitates and wonders if he really was dreaming, not remembering ever being at the Satella Police and heads to bed. There, Omega-Xis reappears, much to Geo's surprise.
Now, there is a lot to infer to what is going on here that will make sense with coming episodes. It's not ever explicitly explained, but we can piece together what went on with Geo based on what happens with other FMian encounters. I'm bringing this up now as it is important to understand for Omega-Xis' character development. It is an important point about Omega-Xis in the overall arc of the series, but not entirely to this episodes self contained story. I've block quoted it to remove it from the main synopsis.
FMians can enter the human subconscious to communicate with humans privately. They use this ability to manipulate humans into leaving humans vulnerable for the FMians to assert their own identity over the humans, or in more pragmatic terms, posses humans. This is what happens when the background of Geo's subconscious shatters, and he begins to fall into a void, Geo has lost his identity and Omega-Xis is controlling him. Omega-Xis does this to avoid the Satella Police detecting his presence since he can't at this point trust that Geo won't rat him out. This is why Geo is in a daze during his interrogation with the Satella Police and doesn't remember being there.
Occasionally, a particularly strong willed individual will be able to reassert their identity over an FMian. This is what happens when Geo suddenly snaps out of his daze back at home. When this happens, an FMian has no power to control the individual any longer and Omega-Xis states as much in the next episode that he cannot control Geo. Another human will reassert their identity later in the series in much the same way, and other humans will fight with their FMian captors with similar inner battles. This is an important step in Omega-Xis' character development because it is establishing Omega-Xis' view of Geo as a tool for the moment. This will change much later as their own bond grows. Back to the episode.
Omega Xis and Geo talk about the FMians and Geo mentions his father Kelvin who Omega-Xis recognizes. Geo immediately shoots up hearing about his father and asks Omega-Xis what he knows, but Omega-Xis is reluctant to say anything and goes to rest inside Geo's Transer. It might seem like a weird coincidence that Omega-Xis has found Geo at the moment, but it actually isn't as well find out later in the series.
The next day while walking about the city, Omega-Xis reveals that other FMians are after him and their goal is to destroy the Earth. He talks about how the FMians are a warmongering species that slaughtered their sister planet, Planet AM, in a merciless war. He also speaks of how many EM-Wave Viruses are appearing from Planet FM to Earth and that is why there are more virus attacks lately. Geo asks Omega-Xis what he is doing on Earth, but Omega-Xis denies him an answer.
Over his shoulder, Geo spots Luna Platz and company heading to see their principal in the hospital for political points. He ducks out of their line of sight, knowing they'll bug him about going to school. Omega-Xis asks Geo if Luna and her friends are enemies, but Geo says no, he just doesn't like them that much.
Well suddenly the monorail train Luna, Bud and Zack are riding gets attacked by EM-Viruses, causing it to start derailing, leaving Luna hanging for dear life by her fingertips a good thousand or so feet above the ground. Geo tells Omega-Xis that they have to do something, but Omega-Xis tells him it's none of their business and that Geo shouldn't even bother with people he doesn't care about. Geo ignores Omega-Xis and climbs onto the monorail track and starts fighting the viruses with the card force from his Transer. Quickly though he starts being overwhelmed by the viruses, so Omega-Xis decides to help.
Omega-Xis performs an EM-Wave Change with Geo's body, fusing the two of them together and giving Omega-Xis access to his full power. Geo is suddenly made of EM-Waves, can travel through matter, fly, and has a huge array of weaponry thanks to the battle cards. He easily starts dispatching the viruses and is amazed by the whole process. The Satella police arrive on the scene and Geo leaves the viruses to them while he quickly rescues Luna who loses her grip from the train. The train then collapses and Geo grabs that as well, saving Bud and Zack.
Bob Copper recognizes the EM-Frequency as the same from last night and runs over to Geo to make an arrest, but Luna shoves him over (completely infatuated with her savior) and asks Geo his name. Geo hesistates and Omega-Xis grumbles out "MegaMan". Copper then shoves over Luna and tells MegaMan that he's coming with him to the station, but MegaMan jumps away. He fights another virus before reverting back to his matter form when Copper spots him. He is suspicious seeing Geo twice around MegaMan's frequencies but Geo runs off before he can question him.
Some time later, Geo is star gazing again with Omega-Xis and Omega-Xis questions why Geo bothered to save Luna if he doesn't care about her. Geo says that's just what humans do. Omega-Xis looks forward to working with Geo, who he affectionately calls "MegaMan".
I think this episode is a great take on introducing Omega-Xis and Geo's relationship, although in the game Geo is a lot more reluctant to work with Omega-Xis, only doing so to find out about his dad. Still, rarely can you go wrong when you put characters your protagonist knows in danger to force them to act, and this type of scenario is classic Super Hero stuff. The MegaMan character has been introduced formally and the stage has been set for things to come.
MegaMan comes off powerful in this episode, but unlike NT Warrior's introduction, his inexperience shows a lot more. Geo is completely bewildered and amazed at his power, but Omega-Xis has to keep him focusing. Even though Geo doesn't seemed particularly threatened, you get the feeling that if Omega-Xis wasn't as experienced as he was, Geo would have been in trouble, and the balance pays off well I think. This is a good follow up to the first episode and I think the serial nature of the show works much better than NT Warriors episodic feel.
Rating: Thumbs Up!
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