Plot Synopsis
Geo is out in the park one day when he sees some strange smoke rings in the sky. Nearby, a science teacher named Mr. Shepard and a student of his, Pat Sprigs, are conducting classroom science experiments. Geo is impressed and Mr. Shepard invites him to attend his special science class with Pat.
Geo heads to the science class and learns a few things about electrical currents and jet propulsion and other stuff. He also finds a left over plastic bottle rocket and being the space junkie Geo is, he gets Mr. Shepard to have the class prepare to build them next week.
That night, another FMian, Libra appears and starts wreaking havoc. MegaMan has no trouble fighting Libra who is not in a Wave Change form. Mega Man wounds Libra, and Libra makes a run for it. Coincidentally, he runs into Mr. Shepard and possess his body. MegaMan loses track of Libra and pulses out to see Mr. Shepard collecting plastic bottles. Geo says hi, but Mr. Shepard is acting suspicious since Libra is controlling him. He runs off before Geo can figure him out.
Libra takes Mr. Shepard's body to his work, trying not to raise suspicion by skipping work, but he becomes increasingly frustrated trying to work Mr. Shepard's body and sets the school on fire. Geo pulses in as MegaMan and easily defeats the already injured Libra Scales. Mr. Shepard returns to normal and Libra escapes. Off in the distance though, we see Pat Sprigs smirking an evil smile as he says, "Next time you'll have to face me, Geo Stelar!" Dun dun dun!
A pretty boring episode that tries to be a little more educational than interesting. There's almost no humor in this episode and the action is so one sided in MegaMan's favor that there is no sense of danger at all. On top of this, Libra's dialog is really redundant and he speaks to much during the action sequences. The only mildly interesting thing here is the lead in with Pat to the next episode, but this show absolutely kills Pat's character from the game. There just isn't anything in this episode to make it worth watching.
Rating: Thumbs Down.
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