Mega Man 64
It's hardly worth mentioning since it's just a straight up port of Mega Man Legends to the N64. As you would expect this version has a few things scaled back and changed. Most notably the sound is under much worse compression to fit on to the cart and some songs are just straight up missing. There are a few other small changes that nobody in their right mind would care about such as a poster or two changing. At the time, the real choice here was between what system you owned and which controller you would feel more comfortable playing with. Now adays it's probably better to get whichever version you can as the market for this generation of games has disappeared almost entirely. If you do have a choice, go with the PSX version.

By the way, what is up with the US box arts being so lazy and terrible? They're just a 3D render of the main character with really cruddy textures. Maybe this series wouldn't have done so bad if Capcom USA put even the same amount of effort as Mega Man 1's box art.
Rockman Strategy
A strategy game made by Dreams Come True and officially licensed by Capcom. This one never came out in the US and was released in Taiwan a couple of years after Rockman Gold Empire. It introduces a new character named Fan and plays from an isometric view like an RPG. I couldn't tell you if it was any fun or not as this is the type of game that requires you to read and there aren't any English translations available as far as I know. It's a rare game for sure, but its starting to be more widely known and an English fan-made patch is probably inevitable if you want to pick this one up off of E-bay. You can read more about Rockman Strategy at Mechanical Maniacs.

The Cell Phone Games
I've never played a single Mega Man cell phone game for a few reasons. First, most of them are exclusive to Japan and I frankly don't give a shit enough to transfer funds into Yen to get them. Secondly, I just recently got a phone that can play these Java games anyway, so the option has only just now opened up. Thirdly, I hate playing cell phone games as is. My phone wasn't meant for the precise timing of a Mega Man game that's for damn sure and I don't want to end up breaking my damn phone for the unresponsive controls for it. Almost all the Cell Phone games are Japan exclusive anyway and most of them don't add much to the Mega Man universe as it is. Maybe the Battle Network games for the cell phones do, but it's a loss I'm willing to deal with. Anyway my knowledge of the cell phone games comes from Mechanical Maniacs, so if you wanna skip ahead read their article on the whole selection, I'll just be mentioning the ones that come up as we go along.
Jump! Rockman!
Kind of a funny title if you bothered to watch Kefkafloyd's Mega Man X Let's Play. It's a simple get to the end of the stage platformer. As you would imagine, the central theme is jumping.

Kobun Assembly
Kobun is the Japanese name of the Servbots (direct translation is Henchman) and they get whored out quite a bit despite not actually being in very many games. They starred in quite a few cell phone games. This one you have to build Servbots within the time limit and not make mistakes. There aren't many pictures of these games so sorry about the quality.

Kobun Can Fly?
You have a propeller on your head and fly across the stage. That's about as much as I know.

Kobun Punishment
Remember the punishment mini-game from Misadventures of Tron Bonne? It's kinda like that, or at least looks like it. I think you play as the Servbot this time though.

Kobun Watch
It's a clock. The Servbot does different things at different times... but it's just a stupid clock. Yeah... totally worth the money right?

Can you see why I'm not in any hurry to pick these up? That's all that came out that year, oh and Legends was ported to PC as well. Capcom would go on to release many more cell phone games, and we'll cover those as they come up. If you want to read more on them or skip ahead a few years, head on over to Mechanical Maniacs.
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