Thursday, November 26, 2009

About Anime and Limiting Your Cultural Intake

I think I should make it very clear that I do not watch a lot of anime. I pretty much only watched the first season of pokemon which I outgrew very fast, and after that nothing else except these Mega Man shows, and really, only because of Mega Man himself. I've out grown my hating of anime for the sake of it phase, and I'm sure if I really gave a fuck about looking into it I could probably find a hand full of shows I'd enjoy, though a good chunk of really fucked up fans keep me out of that sub culture. I don't hate you if you enjoy anime, but if your priority of entertainment is based solely on where the content came from, you are severely limiting your exposure to a whole world of fantastic media. Let me speak to you as a film student to tell you that anime is not all there is. Yes, some good stuff comes out of Japan, but there are also many great Italian, French, German, Chinese and even Indian films as well. Hell, there was a fantastic film out of Afghanistan if you can believe it.

Check out some of the fantastic films by Vittorio De Sica, Jean-Luc Godard and many more. Hell, if you still want some great Japanese culture, ignore the fucking cartoons and watch some Akira Kurosawa.

The United States also has some great stuff as well, don't dismiss typical Hollywood movies just because the major studios crank out shit fests like 2012. The independant market has created some of the best directors of all time since Hollywood began. Check out a Spike Lee movie, or John Singleton. The big studios have some great films of the past as well, such as John Ford, Frank Capra, Francis Ford Copalla.

These are of course films, but if you want great cartoons there are so many great Warner Brothers cartoons, Disney Cartoons, and even MGM has the classic Tom and Jerry series.

My point is, don't limit yourself to just anime just because it's from Japan, but take it in along with as much as you can from all over the world. If you're the typical American Otaku, with an assload of boot-legged anime filling up your hard drive that you have to alphabetize to sort through, if you find yourself buying Katanas and running around calling people "Baka Gaijins," please, please, please, for the love of god, expand your horizons. There isn't anything more irritating than people who only talk about one stupid thing all the damn time.

Up next, my 114th Mega Man post!

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