With the new PET, Lan is more powerful than

With Raoul's help, Chaud concocts a plan to use a disguised ThunderMan to battle MegaMan. ThunderMan will pretend to be a darkloid, with Chaud and Raoul disguised as his NetOps. Chaud lures Lan out into an abandoned warehouse for the trap, and their disguise easily fools Lan and MegaMan.
Chaud and Raoul match Lan, move for move and keep MegaMan at bay. They try to leave, figuring they've taught Lan his lesson, but Lan refuses to give up, figuring he and MegaMan are battling for their lives, which is bad news for Chaud and Raoul. Lan pulls out all the stops, rare chips, Program Advances, DoubleSouls, and Chaud and Raoul start struggling to keep going. They're getting really worn out countering Lan, but Lan and MegaMan refuse to quit.
Just then, Mr. Famous contacts Lan and Chaud. SwordMan is back attacking another research facility, but Lan thinks his hands are full with this fight as it is. Realizing they're in deep shit with both ThunderMan and MegaMan totally worn out, Chaud and Raoul hightail it to the research facility, with Lan behind them.
When Lan arrives, MegaMan is confused why two darkloids are fighting each other. When SwordMan strikes, ThunderMan's disguise falls off, and MegaMan realizes who it is. MegaMan and ThunderMan fuse together for a DoubleSoul, ThunderSoul, and MegaMan is able to defeat SwordMan who logs out. Lan is initially horrified at the thought of having an evil darkloid soul, but MegaMan wises Lan up to whats going on.

Chaud and Raoul reveal themselves in shame, and let Lan know what they were trying to do. Lan apologizes for acting like a jerk, and promises to not let it happen again. Later, Lan and Chaud see Raoul off back to Netopia.
Easily the best episode of Axess, and in the top 5 for best episode of NT Warrior period. This episode delivers a perfect way to do off the wall situations, and combines it with a lot of clever dialog. This is the episode that sold me on Raoul, because he's pretty damn funny here, and it adds a new element to his character that fits so well with his already good nature.
Chaud is out of his element here, but he acts in a way that you would believe his character would grudgingly go along with something like this. Chaud and Raoul's voice actors deliver thier lines perfectly, accenting the phrases and emphasizing the words in such a way to emphasize their hilarious attire. Lan is also spot on, and there are so many great exchanges this episode.
ThunderMan: My Name is Masked Thunder, and I'm clearly a darkloid!
MegaMan: Okay... I believe you?
ThunderMan: That's good, because theirs no reason to doubt me! Now words been goin' round that you think you're too good to be defeated!
MegaMan: What are you talking about? I never said anything like that!
Lan: Who are you guys? What do you want?
Raoul: We're here to take you dooooown, and as for who we are, we're Masked Thunder's NetOps!
Lan: Are you serious?! Since when do darkloids have NetOps?!
Chaud and Raoul: Uhhhhh..
Lan: Well!?
Raoul: It just happened!
Lan: I can't believe this!
There's a lot of good stuff in here that you need some established characters to work with to pull off, and the costumes and accents just really sell the episode.
There is a part in the middle where SwordMan is delivering monologue to himself that is just god awful, but other than this scene, the entire episode is great!
Rating: Thumbs up!
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