Ms. Yuri is out shopping one day when she runs

Good thing we've got 15 minutes of exposition coming up to ruin it! Here's the gist, Ms. Mari had a sister, Ms. Yuri, who was in a plane crash with their father when a meteorite hit the plane. They never found there bodies. Ms. Yuri continues the story, by infecting the plot with the cancer that is growing on the Mega Man franchise, Duo. Sigh...
Duo is some extra terrestrial being, who turned Ms. Yuri into Wolverine for some reason, and also did something to Dr. Regal or whatever, and then they were raised by Dr. Wily. I really can't believe this is some how stupider than the actual plot of Battle Network 4, which is abysmally stupid to begin with.
Anyway, Ms. Yuri escapes for a bit, and Dr. Regal gives her a dark synchro-chip and tells her to assassinate Ms. Mari to prove her loyalty. She agrees, then hijacks Misaki's car with him in it, and tracks down Ms. Mari. She gets Ms. Mari at gunpoi... excuse me, "Neural Disruptor Point", but hesitates to fire. Misaki tries to grab her, but she throws him off, and cross-fuses with SpikeMan. Lan cross-fuses with MegaMan to try and stop her.

Impatient, ProtoMan shows up and demands Ms. Yuri finish her mission. Ms. Yuri can't do it, so ProtoMan goes to strike Ms. Mari. Ms. Yuri blocks the attack, so ProtoMan strikes her, breaking her cross-fusion. He hits a sonic-boom onto the bridge, causing both Misaki and Ms. Yuri to fall off into the drink. Ms. Mari screams "Nooooooo!" as we hear a news report announce that the two people who fell off the bridge have yet to be found.

You almost have a good episode here. Really you do. In fact, cut out about 15 minutes of this episode, and it's a winner. But Duo tends to kill everything he touches, and this episode just happens to be one of those things. I hope you like characters talking on and on and on about nonsense, then reiterating all of those points, because that's the majority of this episode.
Oh, and it had such a good build up too. Yuri tasked with killing her sister, her escape from police custody, the cross-fusion thing. Oh it could have been great! Instead, it's YAP YAP YAP YAP YAP!
There are elements that make this episode worth watching, that I won't deny, but most of this episode's baggage is a setup for Stream more than a finale for Axess, so these retarded plot points won't ever come to fruition in the dub anyway. You're almost better off not watching this episode to save yourself the frustration of how dumb the show gets. Sigh, and it was such a good idea too...
Rating: Thumbs down.
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