Are you ready to head towards the finale? Woo

So getting some data from Raoul, Chaud discovers Regal's secret base is a satellite orbiting the Earth. The damn thing is cloaked though, so they can't find it. Dr. Hikari suggest using the remaining Control X System (from about a million episodes ago) to track the satellite's orbit by noticing gravity disturbances among the satellites they can see.
The process is going to take some time though, and the NetPolice are sure Nebula will strike against them once they begin their tracking. Raika and Lan are called in as the first line of defense against Nebula, while Chaud and Anetta track the satellite. Nebula has gone all out in this attack though, and has rebuilt every single deleted darkloid since the season began for the attack! I guess the rest of the darkloids got deleted in episodes we didn't get to see.

What happens next is almost like the season in review, as Lan goes through just about every DoubleSoul in his inventory, and MegaMan and SearchMan start deleting darkloids left and right. Maybe the rebuilding process made the Darkloids weaker, maybe Lan and MegaMan have gotten stronger, or maybe Lan and MegaMan were just going easier on the darkloids last time, because they seriously go down in only a few shots.

Chaud and Anetta have nearly found the satellite, but a dimensional area forms around the Control X building, and ProtoMan shows up to destroy it. Meanwhile, Bass is watching from afar, and decides for the hell of it to go free ShadeMan.
Lan bolts for Control X to save Chaud and Anetta with Cross-Fusion, and gives them just enough time to track the satellite's orbit. It doesn't matter though, because as soon as they find it, ProtoMan smashes the system, deleting the data, and then takes off. But that doesn't matter doesn't matter, because Anetta remembers the orbital path from having seen it for all of two seconds. After that bit of Deus Ex Machina, ShadeMan vows revenge against Dr. Regal as the episode closes.
They squeeze quite a bit of plot amongst a really action oriented episode. It seems silly that MegaMan can fight off all these enemies at once and take them out so fast this way, but then again, have you ever played a Mega Man game? This is what we call a boss rush yo!
It's nice to see a lot of use of DoubleSoul, and even the couple of forms we missed, such as WoodSoul and WindSoul, which I've posted here for completion sake. The episode is pretty frantic, but it has that build up that makes you pumped up for the following episodes. I wouldn't call this a great episode, but it works well enough for what it's trying to do, without dwelling on the uninteresting details.
Rating: Thumbs up!
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