Previous to this point, Axess had been doing relatively well in it's airing schedule, not missing a beat for quite a while, and airing each episode mostly in order, except for a couple. They would air BubbleMan's Plan as their last new episode, before a small break where the show would get a final run. When the show would return with The New PET, it would air as one of ten new episodes of Axess, airing once daily for the next ten days, until the season was finished. This (complete speculation by the way) was more than likely the result of a contract dispute between Time-Warner and Viz Media, with Viz Media wanting to be compensated for their hard work, and Time-Warner just wanting the show off the air as soon as possible.
It was because they would only get to air ten more episodes, that Viz Media would have to cut a few shows. Previous to this point, episodes may have been cut due to content or scheduling issues, but I can safely say, that these episodes were cut because of Time-Warner getting rid of the show, and Viz Media decided to select the more vital of the episodes to air, or at least, I think that was their intention. There is rumor (and take it with a grain of salt) that Viz Media did actually dub all the remaining episodes, but unless we ever get an Axess DVD release, we'll never know.
The next two episodes have very little to do with the over arching plot with Nebula, which is probably why they were chosen not to air, even though we miss out on a couple of DoubleSouls.
Flying to Shiisaa Island
Plot Summary Here
Basically, MegaMan and Lan meet a couple new characters, one of whom is WindMan, and I don't think we ever see them again. WindMan.exe gets into trouble, and MegaMan ends up using DoubleSoul with him.

Go To Hell By Train!?
Plot Summary Here
It's likely that title would have changed, had the episode actually came out in English. Anyway, a train goes out of control that just happens to have Lan, Chisao and Sal on it. The culprit is a darkloid, and MegaMan and WoodMan form a DoubleSoul.

In order of importance, the last six episodes are pretty much needed to finish the season. Besides that, you've got an episode featuring Bass, which is some important fan service I guess, the hilarious episode with Chaud and Raoul in disco clothes, an episode finally showing some respect between Lan and Raika (probably the pay off episode to that mini-arc), and then MistMan's Tower, which is a good Lan and Mayl episode, but lacking the more romantic overtones that Viz Media has been careful to cover up most of the show's run.
Taking those things into account, I suppose it makes sense why these episodes were singled out to not air. Ideally we would have got to see them all, but there isn't much a production company can do without a distributor, especially one as big as Time-Warner.
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