Chaud and ProtoMan are in need of a rest, but a

Dr. Regal and LaserMan have started to gather millions of NetNavi's with those UFO things from the second episode, and are powering up something big: a dimensional area generator large enough to cover the entire world!
In the meantime, ShadeMan has decided to capture Rush and convert him into his own synchro chip so he can enter the human world without a dimensional area. He goes off in search of Regal, after blowing up a few bits of SciLab. Since ShadeMan isn't exactly using discretion in what he destroys, Lan and MegaMan try to stop him with some dimensional areas of their own.
Lan is still no match for ShadeMan, as ShadeMan breaks his Cross-Fusion. Just as Lan is about ot meet his maker, Regal challenges ShadeMan at the top of his tower. The two have a stand off as the episode comes to a close.
About what you would expect for the second to last episode of Axess. Lots of buildup for the finale, though it feels like the dubbers cut out a few things, mostly with regards to Lan's injuries. That does little to affect the overall feel of the episode though.
I'm a bit miffed about the whole Rush Synchro chip thing. Rush gets introduced to do something no one else can, but we go along with it for a joke, and they never take it seriously. Well jokes on us, because now it's a major plot element. All well, whatever.
This is a satisfactory episode, but the real question is, are you ready for not only the season finale, but the series finale of Mega Man NT Warrior?

Rating: Thumbs up!
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